Changing from Dota 2 to League of Legends

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Changing from Dota 2 to League of Legends

Post by adamjohnson »

Hello, if you do not play either of those game, please leave this thread now.

I have seen a lot of League players transferring into Dota 2, but I have rarely seen Dota 2 player going to league. #dota4thewin #dota>league

But my situation is different, all of my friends at school plays league and not dota. I tried to convince them that Dota is so much more better, but they just wont listen to me =(. I get bullied and make fun of =(, just kidding they are my friends and they only do it as a joke. But honestly, I feel boring playing Dota all alone. I want to play with my friends, but I have 1600 MMR in dota. I have a lot of items in my inventory. I basically have been playing the game ever since I downloaded it everyday with 800+ hours. I don't want to ditch it.

I have 2 questions, 1 should I stay and keep playing Dota 2. (We talk about other stuff too, so its not like I'm gonna lose my friends)
2. Play league with my homies and quit dota, I heard league is way more easier than dota, maybe I can dominate them xD.

Please respond to my question with either 1 or 2, and give a bit of reason. Thanks.

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Re: Changing from Dota 2 to League of Legends

Post by krssn »

*makes account on Dreamcast forum*

*makes first post about online PC games*

*tells us to leave if we don't play said games*


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Re: Changing from Dota 2 to League of Legends

Post by scaryred24 »

This thread makes no sense whatsoever. It was so badly constructed that I have shared this thread to the whole world because how cringe worthy it is. Now let me get this off of my chest, so you are switching from one cancerous game to another one? not only that DOTA 2 has it share of toxic people but LOL is worse because you need to have a perfect win streak online and if you ever slack odd in the slightest in a 1v1 matchup, warm up round, or even in a eSport league the whole community will just go around the site and weed out the people who can not keep with an impossible standard like so:
Now I love my fair share of PC games just as much as the next person. I have grown fond of Shadow Warrior, GTA V, and even the new Doom game that came out last month. As a sega fan myself we can all agree that most diehard Sega fans are on PC because they don't quite fit in with anyone else.

Also you to expect to set your own rule about this post stating that you can't stray off the path by any little bit makes you sound like the PC master race side of the toxic gaming community. Besides this is a community so share our love and fondness of the Sega Dreamcast. We can post other things along side of that, but this is mainly a Dreamcast community. This is why I don't particularly like this generation of gaming and would like to go back a few generations where gaming was good. Take this with a grain of salt but there is no room for people like you. We don't exactly like to tolerate people like yourself. Now I'm rambling on and becoming a backseat moderator right so I will just leave the rant here and move on with my life since this negativity should not hold us back from what we love to do and do what we feel best to do with our lives.
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Re: Changing from Dota 2 to League of Legends

Post by krssn »

scaryred24 wrote:GTFO
I'm proud of you son... 8-)

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Re: Changing from Dota 2 to League of Legends

Post by MainAlice »

Shouldn't you be playing the game YOU enjoy ? not your friends. I get the point that playing with friends is much funnier, but if you dislike the game, even your fellas won't make you enjoy the process. I'd stick to the first statement, whatsoever.

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Re: Changing from Dota 2 to League of Legends

Post by HuntrRose »

I dont care about any of this...

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Re: Changing from Dota 2 to League of Legends

Post by mistamontiel »

Fuck off robots

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