So surprised at how active DC PSO still is...

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Re: So surprised at how active DC PSO still is...

Post by DiZMeX »

Fair enough, I'll have to play some of you guys on the DC using the mouse and see how that goes, lol. The skill ceiling is obviously much higher with a mouse, however I haven't played Quake in so long that I really don't think that'd matter.

I'm really looking forward to Quake Champions though, trying to get in the closed beta for that also too actually.

I guess it's because I'm mainly a PC gamer, FPS or RTS games with a pad tilts me. Other than my Dreamcast, the only recent console I have is an Xbox One and I bought that purely for the Halo and Gears franchise. I do all my modern gaming on my rig, runs latest titles fully maxed at very high frames. The amount of times I have been very tempted to spend £300 on a device that lets me use a mouse for Xbox One games is silly, but I can't justify it for the small amount of games I play on there. Shows how ahead the Dreamcast really was, even consoles now don't provide a feature the DC did.

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Dreamcast Games you play Online: PSO

Re: So surprised at how active DC PSO still is...

Post by Reikuo »

A tip for anyone who plans to get into PSO on Dreamcast with a fresh level 1 is to not be discouraged to play alone. The game is not designed for level 150 people to go into a match with level 10 people. That said the community is small but really nice. You will definitely find people to play Ultimate mode with, which requires level 80.
Most of the higher end crowd on PSO is using broadband adapters too, so its best not to rely on Dreamcast Now to find out who is on. Use to see how many active players are currently logged in, though you cant tell which are Dreamcast and which are Gamecube. Gamecube and Dreamcast cant play together.

I have seen a lot of new faces on PSO thanks to Dreampi, im one of them, I help who I can but a lot of them flake out quickly when they cant find consistent people to play with. Thats just how its going to work.

For anyone new to PSO again if your not willingly to play alone to make it to level 80, your probably not going to make it there. The population of new players is just too small and too spread out between levels 1-80 for there to be any consistent games of 4 player matches with people of all the same level and power. However after level 80 everyone above that plays the same gamemode and your level basically no longer matters nearly as much.

Posts: 5

Re: So surprised at how active DC PSO still is...

Post by DiZMeX »

Didn't want to make a whole new thread on this, but I'm about to make the line voltage inducer and I've got a question: I've got my modem-modem telephone cable (I specify modem-modem because here in the UK the wall phone socket is different to the one on the phone or modem, dunno about anywhere else).

Basically I see all these guides peoples wires have Yellow, Red, Green and Black inside. Mine only has Red and Green.

Would this work for the Dreamcast if I proceed as normal with the red wire? I guess I could search online and find out what the Black and Yellow (uh-huh, you know what it is) wires actually do in a phone line, But still, thought I'd post anyway.

Anyone had experience with one of these kinds of cables?


EDIT: Nevermind, pretty sure I've got my answer. Yellow and Black are a bell wire and earth wire, pretty sure that's uncecessary for this