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Re: New Online Shooter [TERMINAL] In Development

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2016 12:42 pm
by Tarnish
pcwzrd13 wrote: I don't think they'd really care at this point but I guess we'll find out. :lol:
Well they cared enough to put an end to selling online the Dreamcast Junkyard Ultimate Collectors Guide so I think it's right up their alley putting an end to this as well once they hear about it.

Re: New Online Shooter [TERMINAL] In Development

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2016 1:26 pm
by pcwzrd13
Tarnish wrote: Well they cared enough to put an end to selling online the Dreamcast Junkyard Ultimate Collectors Guide so I think it's right up their alley putting an end to this as well once they hear about it.
The difference will be whether it's being sold or not. If it's just a free hobby project then I doubt Sega will really take notice.

Re: New Online Shooter [TERMINAL] In Development

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2016 10:18 pm
by BlueCrab
There was plenty of "homebrew" stuff way back in the day that used Katana. This is by no means a first in that regard. Most use of Katana for homebrew died out around the time KOS replaced libdream as the legal homebrew SDK of choice.

That said, most homebrew sites back in the day didn't want anything to do with Katana/WinCE based homebrew. It is illegal to distribute without a license for the SDK (which Sega is of course not granting to anyone), plain and simple. Sega largely left us homebrewers alone because we didn't use their tools illegally.

Honestly, there's little to no reason to actually use Katana at this point. KOS is more developer friendly and supports network capabilities in a sensible manner (including the modem). Not to mention that it's actually legal to use. Sega would likely come down on someone if they tried to sell something using Katana -- it's possible that something that's freely distributed wouldn't incur Sega's wrath, but I wouldn't see any good reason to risk it anyway. KOS is free, legal to use, and has a community of people to actively support it.

Now that I've got that off my chest... I do think it'd be neat to see some real online homebrew for the Dreamcast. I spent an inordinate amount of time on KOS' network stack, so I'm actually somewhat disappointed that nobody's (publicly) made good use of it as of yet...

Re: New Online Shooter [TERMINAL] In Development

Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2016 10:24 am
by pcwzrd13
I figured you'd have something to say, BlueCrab. :lol: The apparent reason for the developer using Katana, is that he just wants to experience what it was like to program from the Dreamcast back in the day. Like I said, I don't think he plans on selling it. It's just something he's doing for fun.