If you could have one game console, which one would you pick?

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Re: If you could have one game console, which one would you pick?

Post by GreaseWaffle »

Dreamcast, PS2 a VERY close second

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Re: If you could have one game console, which one would you pick?

Post by Blarneo »

I love the DC, but hands down, my favorite is the SNES. The games still hold up and play well after 25 years. If I could only have 1, the SNES has to be it. As long as the ASCII fighter sticks I already have come with it.

If not, then it would be XBONE... as long as I get to keep my Razor Attrox arcade stick.

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Re: If you could have one game console, which one would you pick?

Post by Hatty81 »

I've thought about this and it would have to be the Mega Drive.

It has at least 30 games which offer surprising depth and very solid gameplay and the pixel art, pallete and variety and creativity in that period for me is unmatched over all the other consoles ever.

Dune 2: Battle for Arrakis is still one of the best ever RTS games. Just look at the latest offerings and the controls with a joypad are surprisingly quick and easy to use if it just didn't suffer from small amounts of slowdown.

Also Sonic 1 is still the best handling platformer I've ever played.

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Dreamcast Games you play Online: Phantasy Star Online
Location: Indianapolis, IN, USA

Re: If you could have one game console, which one would you pick?

Post by alexh86 »

Would be a tough decision but since I'd have to keep just one for all time, I'd have to say the Dreamcast. It has the best community of gamers surrounding it, it has great games, it will be playable online forever (theoretically) and the games don't require patch servers to function.

I have a group of family members and friends that plays PS4 together once a week, it would be hard to leave them. I'd also never get to play Shenmue III which would be terrible. At the end of the day, the PS4 community will fade away and many of its games will not function at a basic level without patches accessed through PSN. Someday the PS4 will be a hollow shell of a console so, thinking longterm, I'd have to stick with our beloved Dreamcast.

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