An apology

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Feet of Fury
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An apology

Post by hudsthinking1999 »

Looks like I haven't been here in a long time. So, where have I been?

Well, one of my last posts here talked about my YouTube channel, and, well, there's your answer; YouTube.

During the time I had the channel, I just wanted to forget about this account. Many of my posts were incredibly off-topic, cringy, too inside for others to get, or revealing. Revealing was the one that worried me most. I never like to share private information on the Internet, and this account was making me worried that someone would figure out things.

For these reasons, I apologize for what I had done. I was young, stupid, and I never realized the dangers of posting all of this unwanted crap in a forum, or the stressfulness of having to put up with it every day.

Not to say there weren't any memorable moments on here. I like the SA2 and Spirit of Speed reviews I made, as well as some funny posts and such. But the majority of it is very embarrassing to look back on, and I just can't stand that.

That is why I'm going to create a new account called SomeGuyWithASega, to coincide with my YouTube channel name. With this new account, I will actually talk about things relating to Sega, new Sega games, news, among other things that aren't completely off-topic, like "Cookie Monster eats Sesame Street".

Because of me moving to a new account, this will be the last post from this account before I leave it. I don't know if I'll delete it just yet, because there's still some things I want from it before I remove it, but I'll at least just leave it be until I'm ready.

Thanks for reading,
-hudsthinking1999 (God, even the name is cringy)
"Sonic was never good, and if you disagree, you can call the cops."

-Some plebs at IGN