HDTV Light Gun Device Update

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HDTV Light Gun Device Update

Post by Xiden »

In case you guys haven't heard yet. the HDTV light gun project has now entered version 2 and a commercial product is on the way soon. This means you'll be able to play all your favorite Sega light gun games like House of the Dead 2 on Dreamcast!


If you aren't familiar with this project check out this working prototype here:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DzIPGpK ... e=youtu.be

Even shows demos of Saturn and Dreamcast light gun game play!

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Re: HDTV Light Gun Device Update

Post by RXShorty »

Yes! This is going to be a insta purchase for me!
Thanks for the update.

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Re: HDTV Light Gun Device Update

Post by FlorreW »

Where to buy ? ( sign me up )

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Re: HDTV Light Gun Device Update

Post by Amorist89 »

Interested is an understatement, please hurry!

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Re: HDTV Light Gun Device Update

Post by Archduk3 »

Is there a way we can financially support this project?

I really miss using my Dreamcast, and parents are still holding on to a CRT just so I can play Virtua Cop every 4 years.

The screen I got at home now is great, plasma that I love, but I miss my Dreamcast, and in particular, my light guns.


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Re: HDTV Light Gun Device Update

Post by krssn »

Really nice that this works with all consoles.

Not only does it make for a single purchase, but you instantly have a gun for all your systems.

Still, let's hope the price is kidney friendly unlike the DreamCon...

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Re: HDTV Light Gun Device Update

Post by WingMantis »

Hey everybody, I signed up on Github so I could join the conversation on the project.

The board is in it's third / fourth revision and developing as composite video input. So I asked charcole about S-video and VGA on Dreamcast, here is his response:

...VGA isn't something I've considered. It's possible that it could work with the right adapter and software tweaks. The timing requirements are harder (line rate is doubled) but I think it could work. S-Video is pretty rare in Europe so I've not tested it yet. It should only be a matter of a small breakout board to run the Y component of the S-Video signal through the composite path of my device and then everything should work (only difference is the overlay won't affect the colour, only brightness). Component should also work similarly but again I haven't tested yet. It's all on my list of things to do.

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Re: HDTV Light Gun Device Update

Post by Xiden »

WingMantis wrote:Hey everybody, I signed up on Github so I could join the conversation on the project.

The board is in it's third / fourth revision and developing as composite video input. So I asked charcole about S-video and VGA on Dreamcast, here is his response:

...VGA isn't something I've considered. It's possible that it could work with the right adapter and software tweaks. The timing requirements are harder (line rate is doubled) but I think it could work. S-Video is pretty rare in Europe so I've not tested it yet. It should only be a matter of a small breakout board to run the Y component of the S-Video signal through the composite path of my device and then everything should work (only difference is the overlay won't affect the colour, only brightness). Component should also work similarly but again I haven't tested yet. It's all on my list of things to do.
At the very least I hope he will he will support scart cables. Ideally though a vga option would be nice. Thanks for the update!

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Re: HDTV Light Gun Device Update

Post by krssn »

If it supports composite it supports S-video and SCART RGB. You just need a way to fuse the lightgun's signal with the composite signal going into your screen. Using a cable with an A/V breakout box is one option...

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Re: HDTV Light Gun Device Update

Post by tripletopper »

I looked at this, and thought, "It's going to use Wiimote aiming techniques?!!? Thats going to sap all the fun out of the light gun."

Imagine Playing Ghost Squad in "cursorless mode", and having all light gun games have that lack of accuracy. It may be precise, but not a true aim. It feels more like moving an analog stick with your arm than a light gun.

The main reason why it’s not accurate is because the Wii Mote censor bar is placed on top of or below the TV in a parallel plane with the TV screen. Even if you set it up properly, it will not know certain facts like how far above or below the TV it is, how far in front of the TV it is, and, most importantly, what the size of the TV is and where the corners of the screen are.

If you want to test what I mean, try cursorless mode in Ghost Squad on a 20 inch TV. Then try it on a 50 inch TV. If your aim is based on pointing at the screen, you’l be off on at least one of the screens. The only way to success is to go by muscle memory of how you’re holding the Wiimote.

I wonder why no one thought of just using a "visible light camera gun" Webcams cost like $10, you just need a processor to convert photographic shots with a camera into timing signals for the original ROM to get., and a physical contraption to place in the photosensor of the gun to read the TV, then transmit a white dot with quicker than microsecond accuracy to the photosensors within the gun.

Then you can use all the buttons on the more advanced guns like the Sega Menacer, the Dreamcast guns, and the Guncon2.

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