SEGA Forum Shutdown - Feb 2nd

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SEGA Forum Shutdown - Feb 2nd

Post by itsthinkingstill »

From the Meme man himself aaron webber

"Hi everyone,

The SEGA forums will be shutting down on Vbulletin as of this Friday, February 2nd. This will mark the end of our time using Vbulletin.

I know it's sudden, and probably a bit of a shock for many - but please know we do not intend for this to be the ultimate end of the SEGA forums, and hope to migrate the database to a new forum software someday in the future.

As plans for the future crystallize, I hope to share more news with you soon via Twitter. I can't give any more details at this point in time, but please be patient as we work behind-the-scenes to set things up. There will be a period of downtime between the current shutdown and our hopeful next evolution of the boards.

Thanks in advance for that patience, and thank you all for an amazing eight or so years on the Vbulletin boards. Change is necessary sometimes - and this is one of those times. With any luck, what comes next will be even better!

I'm sure you'll have many questions, so please feel free to ask in this thread, and I'll respond to as many as I can today.

Yours in all things SEGA, Sonic, and dessert,

Its the end of a era for many of us :( here is hoping many new memories will be made soon

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Re: SEGA Forum Shutdown - Feb 2nd

Post by Xiden »

tell them all to come here. :)

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Re: SEGA Forum Shutdown - Feb 2nd

Post by Roareye »

I'll second Xiden's suggestion lol

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Re: SEGA Forum Shutdown - Feb 2nd

Post by itsthinkingstill »

Lol i did, but it seems most people are just coming back like in 2007 with PSO and the servers shutting down, just coming back to say goodbye to a old friend

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Re: SEGA Forum Shutdown - Feb 2nd

Post by Nz17 »

SEGA made the right decision. vBulletin is a scourge that (Thank God.) is slowly yet surely dying. The vBulletin software is buggy, and while they keep several major versions alive and officially supported (3.x, 4.x, 5.x, etc.), if you aren't running the newest one, then you only *might* get bug fixes. But it is better to run the older ones anyway, because the vBulletin company will introduce new features with even more severe bugs into the newest major series and often not fix the old bugs as new features take priority over fixing bugs.

And forget creating and implementing themes, that's a damned nightmare! I'm not joking: it took me almost **two months of active development** to create a good substitute for the old theme for a forum which I run when we "upgraded" from 3.x to 4.x. The whole time there were tons of pressure on me to get things done because PEOPLE COULDN'T READ THE FORUM as the theme was supposed to be a dark theme and the theming functions only supported bright/light themes well. And with vBulletin's spaghetti code, you'd get something created, it would look good within the administrative area, and then when you'd deploy it, IT WOULD HAVE TONS OF VISUAL BUGS sending you right back to the drawing board.

Did I mention that it has --three different text editors--, each of which behaves and looks different depending on if JavaScript is enabled or not?

And what does the vBulletin company expect out of you for the privilege of running this software? HUNDREDS OF DOLLARS in upgrade fees every two or so years if you want the newest major series of its software no matter how much you've spent on their software in the past.

Forget vBulletin. Do the smart thing and use good open source forum software like Dreamcast Talk does. Dreamcast Talk's phpBB works great and nobody has to pay anything for it. And with so many wonderful forum softwares out there like phpBB, TalkBoard, Simple Machines Forum, MyBB, YaBB, FluxBB, and PunBB, there really is no good reason to go with bad old vBulletin.

But you don't have to take my word for it. From Episode #642 of Security Now!:
The public 0-Day disclosures were deliberately made by researchers out of frustration after the vBulletin maintainers failed to acknowledge any communications for nearly a month. So this means that a huge number of vBulletin sites are CURRENTLY vulnerable and, as we know, that even after vBulletin is updated, many sites are likely to remain vulnerable.

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Re: SEGA Forum Shutdown - Feb 2nd

Post by VasiliyRS »

vBulletin is a scourge
Many forums i know switched to XenForo but i guess a reason they shuts down is license fee they have to pay. I would suggest them to convert to any free forum software like this forum uses.

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