immature gamecube kiddies dissing the dreamcast back in the day

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Re: immature gamecube kiddies dissing the dreamcast back in the day

Post by beanboy »

Ian Micheal wrote:Software is what makes a system and the coders and developers what ever system it's the games and software that make it. many times there has been super powerful systems with lack luster games and software that does not show what it can do.
Yep. Very true.

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Re: immature gamecube kiddies dissing the dreamcast back in the day

Post by Retro-45 »

I never understood why people would fanboy of one single game console, because for me I did it for the Xbox 360 and when the one released, it bit me in the rear hard because whenever I would look at what the other consoles had with exclusive games and innovative controls, in the case of Wii U and the Ps4 vr this was a perfect example for me because the Xbox one had barely any exclusives or any new to bring to the table in the case of controls. So I found that if you fanboy over one single console then you end up not be able to experience different sides of the spectrum.

This is just my two cents on this topic.
You guys really hit the nail on the head with some good points.
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Re: immature gamecube kiddies dissing the dreamcast back in the day

Post by rjay63 »

I've read the quotes listed in the original topic and fail to see anything I would classify as "dissing". Factually incorrect perhaps, but nothing offensive. There was much worse than this on message boards back in 1999-2001; some of them can still be found on Google Group's Usenet archive.

In real life, I only recall one minor "anti-Dreamcast" moment that occurred back in 2001. Crazy Taxi 2 had just been released on the Dreamcast and I was playing it on a demo pod in a game store. I was just finishing my play and a guy behind me said "you should play the PS2 version, much better". I didn't think it was worth explaining that the PS2 version was actually Crazy Taxi 1 so I just smiled at him and walked away!
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Re: immature gamecube kiddies dissing the dreamcast back in the day

Post by blueagent »

Ryo_Hazuki wrote:In 2003 Nintendo had to stop producing the Game Cube because nobody wanted to buy the video game.
nintendo also discontinued the gamecube here back in 2004, unlike in the west, they never restarted production of it. hence why when resident evil 4 came out, NOBODY here could play it, because no gameshops carry the GC console, nor copies of RE4. so everyone screamed for a ps2 version which eventually came out a few years later.

so where i live atleast, the consensus amongst gamers here was that the dreamcast was superior because it died with a lot of good games, while the gamecube died with very few games.

Roareye wrote:
A huge swathe of what made that generation as good as it was is all down to Sega. Nintendo stumbled with their 'Nintendo Difference' concept and reduced the quality of their games about halfway through the Gamecube's lifespan, Microsoft had very few in-house development teams able to make a standout title (outside of Halo) and Sony... Well to be fair of all the consoles they were the only ones not essentially kept afloat by Sega. They were the behemoth the others were fighting against.

Considering Nintendo's crummy late-GC output, the lack of quality in the Wii and how the Dreamcast outsold the Wii U in two-year sales, Nintendo fans should really keep their mouths zipped lol.
you're absolutely right, the gamecube folks lashed out at the dreamcast but they never even realized that most of the good games on their console were dreamcast ports or sequels, and without them the gamecube would be nothing. look at all the gamecubers who are raving about the gamecube mini while chanting that sonic adventure 2 and skies of arcadia would be on it......LOL they don't even realize that if any mini console is going to get the two games, its probably going to be the dreamcast mini that willl be coming out soon.

also the gamecube fanbase proliferated the idea that the gamecube version of sonic adventure 2 and skies of arcadia were superior to the dreamcast version, when it was not. i've seen how dark the graphic were in those ports because the dreamcast's soft lighting effect were lost on the gamecube hardware. also some of the music is messed up in the gamecube port of skies of arcadia. that's hardly what one would called a superior port and yet the gamecubers made everyone think that the GC ports were the best, when it was not.

also i had toy commander on the DC as well. that game was basically the imagination of a child coming to life, and you can tell how much the child hates his mum because he trashes her kitchen with his toy vehicles battling each other and knocking all of her stuff over and whatnot, also the child turned her house upside down in his imaginary war against his teddy, that was pretty awesome.

also the ps2 had great games but i always go back to the dreamcast because of its arcade-ish expereience. i've replayed dreamcast games like evolution and virtual on oratorio tangram many times, but never for my other ps2 games of which once was already enough.

Anthony817 wrote:Is such a long winded post really necessary about this? Fanboys of any system are gonna shit post about the competition. Caring about what Nintendo fanboys said from 20 years ago seems almost as immature. We are all grown up now, lets move on and enjoy the fact that our system still gets retail indie games while none of the other 6th gen systems do. So I guess in the end we won in a way.
i started gathering old post since last year, when i saw a youtube video titled "Evolution Worlds - GC Positive", in which the reviewer, "GC Positive" openly bashed the dreamcast and even blatantly said that "the dreamcast sucks!!!!!!!!" as he so puts it, because according to him, the gamecube was better than the dreamcast in every aspect because it had alot of good games, meanwhile the dreamcast "had no games", and also that due to having received a port of "Evolution 1/2" on the gamecube, the dreamcast console therefore didn't matter anymore according to him. you can see the video here:

however, what "GC Positive" didn't know was that alot of content in the dreamcast version of evolution 1 had been removed in the gamecube compilation of "evolution 1/2". specifically ALL dungeons had been removed in the GC port, along with almost all dungon bosses were almost all gone except for the two that remained, along with all the monsters, items and extra cutscenes which have been removed as well in the evolution 1 portion of the gamecube port. also all post-game content have ALL been removed in the gc version as well.

and yet, "GC Positive" trash talk the dreamcast saying that the dreamcast was worthless since evolution was also on the gamecube, which according to him was the "superior" version. this is going to carry a long term implication because he is a semi-popular youtube with millions of followers, so he is proliferating the idea to the masses that the gamecube port of evolution is the superior version, and people have over the years had already believed that to be true. just look at all the other playthroughs of evolution on youtube; they are all of the gamecube version.

also look all the comments in that video where other people praised "GC Positive" for dissing the dreamcast....i just don't want to see my beloved console hated like that, as so many people in the xbox/ps2/pc community did back in the day. (if you remembered what happened that is)

i'm trying to stem the tide, as i did on planet-gamecube back then, when i fought by myself to stop them from proliferating the idea that sonic adventure, skies of arcadia, and evolution were on the gamecube first and that those ports were superior, when they were not.

i was banned on planetgamecube by the kiddie moderators there, over and over again, and my mail box was virus spammed by planetgamecube kiddies because the mods there passed my email address around to all their members internally. so now do you understand what happened back then?

i'm not happy that gamecubers are proliferating their lies against the dreamcast like that again, as they did back then, it shows that they haven't changed their immature ways, and i don't think that i was immature for standing up against them, as i did back then, and still do to this day.

i've actually had two eye surgeries in the past few years so i'm not even supposed to sit infront a pc and type stuff like this for 1 hour, but i do it because nobody else is standing up for the dreamcast. i love my dreamcast so even though i'm supposed to let my eyes heal... i had to be the one to do it, the guy with the eye surgery had to do it, because no one else in the dreamcast community would. so now you know how much i love the dreamcast.
mstar wrote: I mean no harm to him - but, you've registered here and cared to post all of that, including links & quotes (which, btw, i think should be gotten rid of).

Wow, just wow. If that is not some part of a psychologic trauma therapy, i don't know what is. 20 years ago, still so hurt :(
i have already explained very clearly that this was part of our history. also in order for me to backup my claims of the GameCube community having done something, i need to show proof, and i did.

also 20 years of pain don't heal if those gamecubers keep acting the way they did by dissing the dreamcast infront of me to this day. everytime i see them and i can't help but remember everything from back then.

also the counterstirke devs have put up screenshots of old emails that kiddies had sent them bakc then, in which they dissed their mod project and claiming that CS will fail, or that nobody will play that crappy mod, even as far back as the year 2000. the CS community considered it a part of their gaming history.

microsoft tech support had also posted screenshot of haxxor kiddies crying and begging on their forums for their account to be unbanned after they cheated/hacked online, or post pics of their dong on the webcam. that too is considered as part of the xbox community's gaming history.

i don't think i'm a "psychopath" though, as you put it, just for feeling the pain of being bullied by the gamecubers back then though. i guess i'm just not the kind of person to forgive and forget so easily. i held onto the pain, but i still believe that if i don't act soon to preserve everything, its going to be all gone, and there'll be nothing left.

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Re: immature gamecube kiddies dissing the dreamcast back in the day

Post by Ryo_Hazuki »

Dreamcast received about 639 official games, unless mistaken.

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Re: immature gamecube kiddies dissing the dreamcast back in the day

Post by Ryo_Hazuki »

Dreamcast received about 639 official games, unless mistaken.

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Re: immature gamecube kiddies dissing the dreamcast back in the day

Post by blueagent »

rjay63 wrote:I've read the quotes listed in the original topic and fail to see anything I would classify as "dissing". Factually incorrect perhaps, but nothing offensive. There was much worse than this on message boards back in 1999-2001; some of them can still be found on Google Group's Usenet archive.

In real life, I only recall one minor "anti-Dreamcast" moment that occurred back in 2001. Crazy Taxi 2 had just been released on the Dreamcast and I was playing it on a demo pod in a game store. I was just finishing my play and a guy behind me said "you should play the PS2 version, much better". I didn't think it was worth explaining that the PS2 version was actually Crazy Taxi 1 so I just smiled at him and walked away!
i like reading about your past, i actually too recall somebody saying "just play the ps2 version" but it was in the context of someone responding to a dreamcast fan talking about marvel vs capcom 2 online, and then the dreamcast fan told the guy that "but MVC2 isnt out for the ps2 yet", so it was around the time when MVC2 was announced for the ps2 or something.

as for usenet, i never learnt how to access it so thats why i didn't post it here. though i had actually tried to keep the quotes mild prior to posting, and i even excluded an extra quote which featured profanity and were much stronger in tone.

the quotes i included were a continuation of the misbelief and misconceptions that were prolifering on planet-gamecube back in 2004, specifically as listed below:

-the gamecube fan's common belief that sonic adventure and all those aforementioned dreamcast ports on the gamecube were exclusive to their console first, and came out for their console first

-the gamecube fan's belief that Celda Windwaker was the first cell-shaded game, and that jet set radio on the dreamcast "stole" or ripped off their precious windwaker's cell-shaded graphics.

-the gamecube fan's belief that the gamecube destroyed the dreamcast and caused it to be discontinued in retail

-the gamecube fan's belief that the gamecube won that generation of console war by beating the dreamcast (aka made dreamcast their whipping boy)

-the gamecube fan's belief that the gamecube had more game genres than the dreamcast

-the gamecube fan's belief that the gamecube was so great that it even destoryed the ps3 and xbox360 in a later generation of console war
Ryo_Hazuki wrote:Dreamcast received about 639 official games, unless mistaken.
does the number included japanese games?

here in my country they only sell japanese games, and back in 2002 i noticed that the japanese dreamcast games library was far, far larger than the gamecube one.

i guess this means that when the gamecube kiddies had ridiculed the dreamcast for "having no games" back then, it was all false and factually incorrect. i had always suspected that the dreamcast had more games because of what i saw first hand, but i had no actual numbers to proof it back then......

so back on planet-gamecube forums, i could only say "the dreamcast had more japanese games" as one of the defenses i had for the dreamacast, which caused the gamecube fans to made fun of me even more with the following:
Planet-GameCube Kiddies:
"LOLLOLLOL the dreamcast had no games LULZZZZZ the gamecube had hundreds of more games than the dreamcas does ROFL poor dreamcast guy has no games to play LOLOLOL he is stealing gamecube games and counting them as dreamcast games LOLZ look how desprete dreamcast losers are LOLOLOL"
i've kept those hurtful words those kiddies said to me for the past 20 years, i've kept them bottled up inside me for all these years but now that i've said them out i actuallly feel better.

i could not talk to fellow dreamcast fans about my feelings back then

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Re: immature gamecube kiddies dissing the dreamcast back in the day

Post by Motoracer5 »

It seems like you are looking for comments you don't like. Just ignore it, these people upsetting you have no effect on your gaming enjoyment unless you look for it.

Gamecube has many great games that lots of people don't know about, much like the Dreamcast. But just like any other console it has fans that say dumb $hit. They don't matter or actually effect anything. Don't read that garbage and the problem is gone

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Re: immature gamecube kiddies dissing the dreamcast back in the day

Post by brunovieira90 »

Buddy, just ignore this. It is part of a 20-year-old past. Feeding this is not good for you. Disinformation is published all the time, on all sides. The more we care, the more it will emerge. Those who really like games, try to know in depth about the consoles, and will know that some things are lies. Keep playing and ignore communities that don't bring you good feelings.

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Re: immature gamecube kiddies dissing the dreamcast back in the day

Post by marchegiano »

Fun read through buds, thanks

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