Hello! Excited to Dreamcast

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Hello! Excited to Dreamcast

Post by StonyTark »

Just got my Dreamcast yesterday, I'm so excited to replay awesome games from when I was younger! I'm also excited to get into bleem and seeing what crazy things the Dreamcast could do.

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Ian Micheal
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Re: Hello! Excited to Dreamcast

Post by Ian Micheal »

welcome there is ton of free homebrew emulators pc ports and indie games as well :) new online games coming :)

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Re: Hello! Excited to Dreamcast

Post by jadelocked »

Hi! I got my first Dreamcast last month and it's great, actually I keep finding that the games I'm enjoying most are only recently released in the last year.
Quake! I played Quake for the first time at a friend's house with their Xbox one gamepass version that had Quake in higher graphics, and it had a N64 mode that didn't feel normal, so I thought maybe I can play Quake 64 on Wii homebrew but it sucks badly (you see enemies through walls), so I found out about Dreamcast and also because of trying to play Tomb Raider on Wii homebrew because they figured out how to get Openlara to work on Wii but no CDDA, I even tried extracting the CDDA music to WAV files but I'm not expert enough to make it work.... so I bought a dreamcast!
Quake on Dreamcast is wayyyy better and scarier! It's amazing to me because I did play a couple 3D PC games in the early 2000s like Spiderman (before the movies) and Beyond Good And Evil and every game lagged. I don't think Quake would have ran smoothly on my family's PC, and I still don't have a powerful PC, so I found a Dreamcast. Still haven't figured out Tomb Raider... I tried a GDI on the SD card but it seems like an old version with no CDDA so idk. It was much better framrate than the Wii emulator, but Lara has green arms and legs.

And the best thing I've discovered is actually the serial port SD loader. Lots of games surprisingly work it just takes an extra 20 seconds to load but for me it's worth it because the disc drive doesn't make grinding noises.

Power Stone 2 works great but I'm not a fan. it seems more fun with more players since it goes up to 4, but with my friend 2 in this game isn't as fun as every other Capcom game. Alone in the Dark and slow games like that seem to work. I'm still testing since I tried Dino Crisis and it didn't work, but i tried on different settings and it worked on the third time I changed settings, but it didn't get to the gameplay so it may or may not work on some other settings.

I really want to play Draconus or Dragons Blood, it actually works on serial port better than a disc (disc is grindy and constantly scratches twice this can also be found lesser in Ecco the Dolphin, in Ecco the dolphin it's fine but in Draconus it sounds unhealthy for the disc drive
(EDIT1: been playing Ecco on serial SD and it's actually amazing compared to the disc hacks! Everything is full speed even the cutscenes, and the game has minimal slowdowns whereas the disc has a lot of slowdowns which is disorienting. When I tried Ecco on the SD I suddenly could do more tricks and even swim upside down, compared to the disc I always tried to right myself before proceeding to flip. And of course the disc drive double squeaking is gone. I highly recommend it! There is a 90 minute disc version I haven't tried, because why? Might as well be 99 minutes why bother shrinking further))
, but it's still very slow. I think the performance could be greatly improved by anyone, but I have no experience yet.

Another problem I'm having is using a controller adapter to use PSX and Saturn controllers. A lot of games have problems knowing if you press Start. On both PSX and Saturn controllers. Can't press start on Samurai Spirits for the Atomiswave for example. A lot of games you can't press A to get past the VMU check, I noticed more when playing without a VMU, but for me I had already created a save file with a Dreamcast controller in slot 1 and then turn off switch to the PSX and turn on the console it will read the VMU and get past that screen. Only game I have a major problem is NBA Hoopz because it want 160 memory blocks the entire card lol. But maybe it's worth for flame balls. (EDIT2: NBA HOOPZ does run amazing played it 2 player with 2 Saturn controllers but it might be better with regular controller still need to test but it has no problem on serial port SD it's probably better than any disc could be)
I have two different controller adapters that map buttons slightly different, and still cant press start on any controller.
I want to find a way to make the game take more inputs for the start screen or just delete the start screen or auto skip, it should be easy.

I prefer PSX dual shock for the rumble pack included inside the controller which is amazing technology, and they trulyrumble with all games that work with the Dreamcast puru puru pack, and of course Saturn for fighting games and all 2D games.

Racing games are better on Dreamcast controllers for now, because PSX has no analog triggers and it actually does matter even though i never thought about it before, it matters for controlling throttle in racing games. but I think there are some wheel type controllers that will work with my adapters so I still have to find what I like

hopefully i can press start with them

What games do you like?
I love Crazy Taxi but I broke my Dreamcast trigger on the first day that's why Dreamcast controllers don't work for me I do need analog triggers maybe I can pay someone to mod dual shocks to have GameCube triggers just kidding :mrgreen:
Last edited by jadelocked on Mon Sep 19, 2022 10:03 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Hello! Excited to Dreamcast

Post by jadelocked »

Actually wanted to mention here's a game that's awesome if you use a SD card but very underwhelming on disc unless you want to try burning a 99 minute disc GOOD LUCK there's a 99 minute version but who knows how good it runs, and for the price/supply of 99 minute discs you could already get a SD card serial boot loader disc. or you can try other available hacks which all have no background noise :

Omikron the Nomad Soul

This is an original Dreamcast game with several hacks but the problem is they all delete the David Bowie music and all the background noise which makes the game feel dead which is especially worse because there are no loading screens to give you that open world feel, but it feels empty which is surely why they added ambient noise in the first place. It's hilarious to play the hacks through the opening scenes when the game shows you the entire city for 3 minutes and there's literally no music. But then the disc is trash.

SD card! That's what works. It basically makes the game pause for a second to load sometimes, but these are slowdowns on disc anyway for me. SD card had much better graphics also because it's able to play a full GDI. You can tell a big difference in the flames around the city and the blue flames in Elroy's room (I forget his name)
But the SD card was really wow , especially because I thought disc supposedly loads better but not for me

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Re: Hello! Excited to Dreamcast

Post by Gabbyjay »

StonyTark wrote:I'm so excited to replay awesome games from when I was younger!
And what games would that be?

dark night
Posts: 50

Re: Hello! Excited to Dreamcast

Post by Neo-dreamer »

Great for you, I also got a Japanese Dreamcast again to play my imports. All I need now is an Arcade Stick and I'm set, have fun.

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