Need help running a specific game on my Dreamcast. Any tips?

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Need help running a specific game on my Dreamcast. Any tips?

Post by ellyyy »

Hello fellow Dreamcast-Talk community members,

I hope you're all doing well. I have encountered a problem and could use some assistance. I'm having trouble getting a specific game to run on my Dreamcast console, and I'm seeking some tips or troubleshooting advice to help resolve this issue.

I've tried inserting the game disc multiple times, but it either doesn't load at all or gets stuck on a loading screen. I've also made sure that the disc is clean and free from any visible scratches. I'm not sure if there's an issue with the disc itself or if there's something else I should be checking.

If anyone has experienced a similar problem or has any suggestions on how to troubleshoot this issue, I would greatly appreciate your input. Are there any specific steps I should take to ensure compatibility or any known fixes for common game-loading issues on the Dreamcast?

Thank you in advance for your time and support. I'm looking forward to hearing your insights and recommendations.

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Re: Need help running a specific game on my Dreamcast. Any tips?

Post by Xiden »

ellyyy wrote:Hello fellow Dreamcast-Talk community members,

I hope you're all doing well. I have encountered a problem and could use some assistance. I'm having trouble getting a specific game to run on my Dreamcast console, and I'm seeking some tips or troubleshooting advice to help resolve this issue.

I've tried inserting the game disc multiple times, but it either doesn't load at all or gets stuck on a loading screen. I've also made sure that the disc is clean and free from any visible scratches. I'm not sure if there's an issue with the disc itself or if there's something else I should be checking.

If anyone has experienced a similar problem or has any suggestions on how to troubleshoot this issue, I would greatly appreciate your input. Are there any specific steps I should take to ensure compatibility or any known fixes for common game-loading issues on the Dreamcast?

Thank you in advance for your time and support. I'm looking forward to hearing your insights and recommendations.
You might try putting some isopropyl alcohol on the laser with a Q-Tip to see if that helps. Could potentially be an issue with the disc too, you might see if you have a local used game shop with a disc resurface machine as well.

Worst case I'd recommend investing in a Optical Drive Emulator like GDEMU/USBGDROM/or MODE to replace the entire Drive assembly (Very easy to do no soldering.) Then you could load up games on a SD or USB drive instead :)

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Re: Need help running a specific game on my Dreamcast. Any tips?

Post by SEGA RPG FAN »

Check for any scratches on the label side of the disc. Hold the disc with the label side facing some light and look at the underside of the disc. Any pinholes or scratches where light is shining through could be a death sentence for the disc because that's damage to the data layer. I have a disc that's perfectly scratch free on the underside, but the previous owner must have placed it label side down on an abrasive surface. It has barely noticeable scratches, but it doesn't take much to get to the data layer from the top side of a GD-ROM.
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Re: Need help running a specific game on my Dreamcast. Any tips?

Post by Woodneeded »

I once had a dreamcast that could not run any 4 wheel thunder disc. I tried multiple that work on my friends console but not mine. Very odd situation

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Re: Need help running a specific game on my Dreamcast. Any tips?

Post by redjeff76 »

are you using a Dreamcast to HDMI cord? Like maybe a VGA cord. I have found there are a handful of games that cannot run through these cords. Tee Off is one of them off the top of my head. They only work through the original red/yellow/white audio video cords that the system came with.

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Re: Need help running a specific game on my Dreamcast. Any tips?

Post by IdahoChip »

What specific game?
I was not able to get Bang! Gunship Elite to kid up successfully for a long time before discovering that it only works with Sega VMUs and not the third party memory cards I was using at the time. There are a few examples of oddities like this out there.

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Re: Need help running a specific game on my Dreamcast. Any tips?

Post by dannyfernasty »

With a GDEMU sometimes you can force vga output with some success.

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