Better than Queske III Arena?

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Moderator: pcwzrd13

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Posts: 251
Dreamcast Games you play Online: Quake III: Arena
Location: Los Angeles, CA

Better than Queske III Arena?

Post by Kannibal »

I just got my launch copy of unreal tournament 3 back from my "long lost buddy" and decided to download as many mods as possible. I only got to play it a week since launch and then lent it, I didn't get into it in the first week. when I got ti back, I was like "WHOA, mama mia!". I was having frag fest online and one of the best experiences ever on my PS3. I downloaded a mod map based on the longest yard and then thought: "What if quake 3 never existed and all quake 3 stuff was made by EPIC instead!?" meaning that EPIC made one the best FPS-shooters on the block...I PUT IT DOWN!

if u people happen to have this game on the PS3, please add me@ KingKannibal
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