Returning to Dreamcast

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Returning to Dreamcast

Post by IronCan »

Hello all.

I originally found the dreamcast long ago through the arcade ports. Some arcade operators ij my areas were even using dreamcasts instead of naomi systems. I have no kdea how it worked, but games like virtua tennis had console exclusive content as well as as the credits showing up as very basic white text overlaid on the main game. It was crazy to think that the console versions would look just as good as the real arcade hardware.

Flash forward many years and I had lost my original dreamcast. I bought another one, feeling nostalgic, and have loaded it up with games on a gdemu. Been having lots of fun, especially with hacks and translations to games that I would never have been able to play otherwise. Things like the original arcade version of Third Strike instead of the updated version that dreamcast got, playable in 240p, Napple Tale, Radirgy, Karous and many others translated to english and more recently the atomiswave ports and unreleased prototypes. It's been incredible.

And that's what has lead me here. This place keeps coming up in searches with the most obscure and wonderful things so I just had to join the community. Looking forward to staying on the edge of what is possible with this little white box. Thanks to everyone who makes this place, and the dreamcast, so interesting

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