Hello, from Atlanta, GA

Say Hi and introduce yourself to the forum here!
Posts: 7
Dreamcast Games you play Online: Any! I go by WaRM0NGeR in FPS (Quake III Arena), and Fukuhara in other game genres.

Hello, from Atlanta, GA

Post by fukuhara »

Hello, everyone. I'm new around here, and generally a quiet person/lurker but i will try to share some info about me and my dreamcast experiences. Like many of you, I've been a dreamcast fanatic since 9/9/99! I was 11 years old when the dreamcast released. My older brother picked one up from funcoland on launch day and it quickly became my biggest reason to crash at his house 5 nights a week haha. As an arcade loving kid, it blew me away that so many titles translated perfectly to the drramcast as a home console experience. I especially fell in love with crazy taxi, resident evil, tony hawks pro skater and my favorite game of all time Shenmue! I play the shenmue series a few times per year even now. I was a kickstarter backer for shenmue 3. When shenmue 1 & 2 HD released for pc/ps4/xbox one, I put my dreamcast away as it had served me well. I'm happy to be getting it back out now that I know this community exists!

As for my setup I own two VA1 dreamcasts. One is in the process of having a dcdigital hw2 installed. Other mods it has are noctua fan mod, controller board battery and fuse mod, dreamPSU, and GDEMU. Sadly, my GD-ROM drives have died years ago. :cry: Once I finish up the dcdigital, I'll be running it through an mClassic to clean up the aliasing on my hd tv. I don't have a crt unfortunately. The second dreamcast has a dreamport from Chris at dreammods.net, a Terra onion MODE, and a cheap pound cable hdmi solution. I also picked up 2 DreamConn+ controllers from Chris each with a back-lit VMU. They are truly a work of art! I'm also using a mouse and keyboard for quake 3, so watch out ;)

I'm here to join in on the dreamcast online fun and really look forward to playing some classics with a few of you once I can get the dreamPi setup going. I'm going to use a windows virtual box setup for now until raspberry pi boards are more readily available. Hopefully thats not too hard to get set up! I ordered a voice modem from pcwzrd and plan to get working on it as soon as that arrives.

I never got to play PSO or any other game online really. I had switched to pc gaming around 2002 and jumped straight to DSL service, meaning drramcast online play was nowhere in my mind at the time. This is a chance to go back and enjoy what I missed from the era of my favorite console. Can't wait to be in good company with you for gsme nights on the posted schedule. Really cool stuff!!


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Posts: 159
Dreamcast Games you play Online: Trying them all

Re: Hello, from Atlanta, GA

Post by Retro-45 »

Welcome southern brother lol

edit: and GO DAWGS
Bender: Behold: The Internet!
Fry: My God! It's full of ads!


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Posts: 6

Re: Hello, from Atlanta, GA

Post by mrtroy32 »

Hi! If you're interested in playing PSO online, hit me up! I have a low level character, and wouldn't mind starting another if you are just getting started!

Posts: 3

Re: Hello, from Atlanta, GA

Post by Grobles87 »

I am also living in Atlanta! It's always good to meet someone else who enjoys the Dreamcast as well.

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