Trizeal - High Scores

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Dreamcast Swirl
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Re: Trizeal - High Scores

Post by BrianC »

The thing that pisses me off the most is on my last two high scores I've completely missed the block for the lifting game cheating me out of a fuckton of points. Yet when I get to that point only to die on the boss I chain that thing fifty times :evil:

Its an evil evil game but that's why I love it

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Re: Trizeal - High Scores

Post by ChrisHa2049 »

BrianC wrote:really? I'd actually argue 3 is the level I'm best at, even better than 1 for some reason. 4 however makes me want to break down and cry like a little girl :D
That's what I was getting at. I'm usually fine with 3, and pretty lousy in 4, much like you describe. So the one time I own 4 is ONLY after screwing up 3. :evil: Pretty sure rank wasn't off either as I was fully powered up before the asteroids. Just another one of those things... :lol:

Dreamcast Swirl
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Re: Trizeal - High Scores

Post by BrianC »

Can you guys explain the rank system to me? Does it affect scoring in any way?

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Re: Trizeal - High Scores

Post by elmagicochrisg »

BrianC wrote:Can you guys explain the rank system to me? Does it affect scoring in any way?
+11 rank = more enemies

I would guess more enemies is better for scoring. Also, more enemies onscreen give more slowdown. So +11 rank makes the game both easier and harder at the same time...

By the way, you actually play the lifting game in level two?... I never seem to get any points out of that thing. And it bounces everywhere. Even though I try to keep it in with my wings and stuff...

Tried the standalone lifting game for like 3 seconds and said fuck it... lol
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Dreamcast Swirl
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Re: Trizeal - High Scores

Post by BrianC »

its actually incredibly cool once you get the hang of it! It gets up to 10,000 points a bounce if I remember correctly and while its not terribly useful it can make a pretty decent difference in score if you can keep it going through the majority of the boss. Unfortunately this will most often get you killed but given the level we're currently playing at there's really no reason not to shoot for best possible outcome in stage 2.

So do you choose ranks or is are the ranks raised as you play? Sorry, the whole concept just seems so strange but I think I'm just going to have to give it a try.

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Re: Trizeal - High Scores

Post by elmagicochrisg »

BrianC wrote:So do you choose ranks or is are the ranks raised as you play? Sorry, the whole concept just seems so strange but I think I'm just going to have to give it a try.
Weapon power-ups = rank

Just to give an example:

4 missile + 3 laser + 2 vulcan = rank 9
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Re: Trizeal - High Scores

Post by ChrisHa2049 »

Rank is basically the game getting more difficult when you're doing well. According to that guide, Trizeal's rank system is simplistic; just two levels - off/on. It starts in the "off" state. When your combined weapon levels total 11+, rank switches "on", and enemies get more aggressive with more and faster bullets. I don't think it increases the number of enemies themselves; just their bullets. So it doesn't affect score, but I may be wrong. Of course, if you die, rank goes back to off.

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Re: Trizeal - High Scores

Post by elmagicochrisg »

You're right, I misread the guide. It's not more enemies, but more and faster enemy bullets.

The slowdown remark still counts though...
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Dreamcast Swirl
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Re: Trizeal - High Scores

Post by BrianC »

And I'd imagine if you intentionally avoided powerups past a certain limit you would actually have an easier game right? Sounds like such a strange concept but this game keeps on surprising me

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Re: Trizeal - High Scores

Post by ChrisHa2049 »

Theoretically it should be easier. But to be honest, I can't tell much difference. There does seem to be a bit more bullets, but apparently the slowdown cancels out them being faster... Also when keeping rank down, the weapons seem too weak for my liking. I say all 3 weapons at full power makes up for any slight difficulty increase.

This rank concept has been around for years (mostly in shmups). Some games get really complicated with their rank system. Trizeal does a good job of keeping it balanced.

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