Hello everyone! (alzen)

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Hello everyone! (alzen)

Post by alzen »

Hi there!

Hmm, new to the forum; and to be honest I wouldn't ever suppose I will put any interest in Sega products.

I am rather a Nintendo gamer, favourite platform is NES, albo Gamecube is the platform I like a lot, mostly because of Mario Sunshine(still cannot decide which one is better - SMB3 for the NES or Mario Sunshine). I'm not a developer but you can check Journey to Silius Plus game hack - my production.

Why I'm here? No, i don't like Sonic, that's not the case ;). A friend told me about DC and of course, I've heard of it before but seeing SEGA logo was always making me losing all interest. I checked Shenmue gameplay, first impression was terrible but a few days ago I was really impressed but awesome atmosphere of the game(really impressive felling of suburbs - at least I thought about suburbs while watching short part of walkthrough); started to read about DC on the web. Have read about Dreamshell, SD adapter, NES emulator(yay! my favourite platform is here as well!) - it all started to look a little bit more promising.

Now I'm waiting for my first DC set that my friend is about to bring me from home, probably it will take about 2 months but as he said it's a big bundle and I get it cheap so it's a good start. Also I may get homemade SD adapter cheap if a friend of mine will make me one.

I started to watch videos online and gathered list of titles I want to play. As for today I want to try Project Justice, Re-Volt(I played it inside out on the PC - best racing game I've ever played), Stunt GP(completed on the PC, 2nd place racing game for me), GTA 2(don't really like it but good for 5 minutes relax, Ikaruga(newer tried it on Gamecube, will try on DC I hope), Quake III Arena(it's not a PC so Promode is far away, OSP as well be basic version is always some kind of fun - it's not a game, it's a way of life). That's all for now but I finished work 1h ago so I'm tired. Probably will be more games soon.

Still, what is very impressive about DC, it has mixed up games list but all great titles are there. Nice selection - that's what I call great taste in gaming ;). Also, Revolt and Worms Armageddon(or WWP, doesn't matter to me that much) are great examples of good choices. Both look great on the PC but on PSX and N64 - Worms are ok but ReVolt hmm, ok on PSX - terrible on N64. And here for me DC shines - as DC is one generation further than PSX and N64 both games look much better, hehe. Cannot wait to play Revolt on that thing.

Normally I'm NES freak and GNU/Linux enthusiast for about 12 years now. Will SEGA impress me outside youtube? Will see, for sure I want to give it a chance. Sonic still doesn't interest me, but I don't really care about that.

I'm really interested in online gaming. I have laptop and I use wifi, if it's possible to share internet through my laptop modem I can have connection on my DC when I get it but I will dig into it a little bit more soon I hope.

Still, I have access to GNU/Linux server for my usage so if I can help with game servers I will probably be interested. It's more of my playground, I have Unreal 1 server, UT2004 server, DOS server and maybe some more but these 3 give me a lot fun so I keep them :).

Not sure what servers are used when it comes to online gaming on DC but if someone can make a game server and use it's own to play with friends i will probably find it interesting.

I only wonder if revolt was playable on online on DC but I doubt as I see you don't play it online.

Anyway, hope for nice discussions here with all of you guys.

Alzen says "hi".

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Re: Hello everyone! (alzen)

Post by Raen »

Welcome, you'll surely like the Dreamcast ;-) The DC version of Re-Volt is considered to be the best, and has a lot of bonus cars not found in any other version/port.