why isn't any Telnet MUD software on dreamcast or retro-roguelike?

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why isn't any Telnet MUD software on dreamcast or retro-roguelike?

Post by maldoror68 »

A passing idea....for roguelike players :geek:

Yeah i know it's an obvious and weird question but i took some time (hours, days, months) playing MUD (multi user dungeon) on telnet interfaces on windows...

games like "dungeon crawl stone soup" , "aardwolf", "zombie mud", .... ;)

example of the game on a win interface...yeah i know,if you are younger than 40, it's TEXT ! :P


dungeon crawl stone soup under PuTTY:

the question is not pointless because the DC have all the hardware to do that.
we got DC with keyboards, mouse, the dreamPi, the 680 * 480 vga display...ascii graphics arn't so cpu power consuming...

and the DC had weird products (beats of rage, scumm, great FPS pc ports, etc...

so why anyone didn't made a telnet interface for DC ? or eveny adapt an online interface to the dreamcast web-browser on TCP protocol ?

(no don't use dreamcast windows ce please XD ) :idea:

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Re: why isn't any Telnet MUD software on dreamcast or retro-roguelike?

Post by mrneo240 »

What's wrong with wince?

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Ian Micheal
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Re: why isn't any Telnet MUD software on dreamcast or retro-roguelike?

Post by Ian Micheal »

Well it can be done i guess if you want it get the SDK and start porting really what is on dreamcast or ported some one had passion to do it.. Anwser is to me if you want it get doing it.. Now you can use dosbox port and play these games but there will not be online anyways