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PVP2ACT - (DC/NAOMI) Palettized images to .png/.ACT

Posted: Sun Mar 19, 2023 1:07 pm
by VincentNL
PVP2ACT allows you to easily convert palettized PowerVR images (.PVR /.PVP) to .png / .ACT (Adobe Color Table) files.

Why .PVP?
Due to low memory usage / high quality within 256 colors, fonts and HUD often use palettized .PVR + .PVP format.
If you ever faced them before you know they are tricky to edit:

1) Palettized .PVR --> .png most likely mess up the original color palette order, resulting in a different .PVP after modification
2) .PVR name may not match .PVP, so it's unknown which is the correct palette to use.
3) Pal4/Pal8+mips/stride palettized images aren't properly supported by most common PVR viewer tools, including WinPVR.

So, here comes PVP2ACT!

How does it work?
All you have to do is select your files in .PVP/.PVR and it will take care of converting palettized images in .png with .ACT palette!
From there you'll be able to load / edit your image properly and also load an .ACT file to preview different palettes on it.


*** Please note ***
If no matching name .PVP / .PVR is in the folder, a correctly indexed grayscale .png will be exported.
You'll just need to load .ACT files to find which is the correct one!


Re: PVP2ACT - (DC/NAOMI) Palettized images to .png/.ACT

Posted: Thu Apr 20, 2023 8:36 pm
by mrneo240
Great tool!

Much like pvrpvp2png for Derek.

Always glad to see people making accessible tools for obscure formats

Re: PVP2ACT - (DC/NAOMI) Palettized images to .png/.ACT

Posted: Fri Apr 21, 2023 3:22 am
by fafadou
VincentNL wrote:PVP2ACT allows you to easily convert palettized PowerVR images (.PVR /.PVP) to .png / .ACT (Adobe Color Table) files.
Wonderful job, fantastic for translater people :)
When we have done is it possible to build a .pnj / .ACT to .PVR/PVP it would be great.