Looping tracks on SSF2X

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Looping tracks on SSF2X

Post by geesehoward79 »

I want to put 3DO soundtracks on SSF2X Dreamcast version.
I´ve done, however cannot loop tracks.

I´ve tried ADXLoopCalculator, using original adx to get loop address, without sucess.

Any tips for it?


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Power Stone
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Re: Looping tracks on SSF2X

Post by ShindouGo »

I couldn't get the music to loop either.
So I had repeated them several times to follow ;)
Here is the version I made 2 years ago.

https://www.mediafire.com/file/uh7xkzkv ... ix.7z/file

Posts: 4

Re: Looping tracks on SSF2X

Post by geesehoward79 »

ShindouGo wrote:I couldn't get the music to loop either.
So I had repeated them several times to follow ;)
Here is the version I made 2 years ago.

https://www.mediafire.com/file/uh7xkzkv ... ix.7z/file
How did you do it?
I want to use PS2 soundtracks

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Power Stone
Posts: 585
Location: LE MANS

Re: Looping tracks on SSF2X

Post by ShindouGo »

You can use audio software like Audacity for example. You just have to copy/paste the entire music at the end of the song.
The game is still quite small (just over 200 MB), you can easily repeat the same music 3-4 times

Posts: 4

Re: Looping tracks on SSF2X

Post by geesehoward79 »

ShindouGo wrote:You can use audio software like Audacity for example. You just have to copy/paste the entire music at the end of the song.
The game is still quite small (just over 200 MB), you can easily repeat the same music 3-4 times
ok, thanks!

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Ian Micheal
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Re: Looping tracks on SSF2X

Post by Ian Micheal »

I will pull out a guide for this for people to follow i got it some where

Posts: 4

Re: Looping tracks on SSF2X

Post by geesehoward79 »

Ian Micheal wrote:I will pull out a guide for this for people to follow i got it some where
Any news?

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Ian Micheal
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Re: Looping tracks on SSF2X

Post by Ian Micheal »

Looping was done to every dc release that needed downsampling follow this guide and use the correct tools

I have included all the tools and guide follow that you have looping files like i did on resident evil 3 for the serial port
every single song had to have loop points after downsampling.. You need to get the loop markers from the og files your replacing..

Follow below use the tools..

You will have correct looping files.. You have to have good grasp of commandline and know what your doing in the right order of use..

Code: Select all

ADX Loop Calcuator

I've finally gotten around to writing some documentation for this. I've also
included what is in my opinion the best ADX decoder (along with encoder) with
the archive. This guide is not intended for complete idiots, you must be
reasonably competent with using the command prompt and so on

Basically, ADX files support looping, that is that music can play continuously
by looping back to the an earlier point in the track when it's done (often just
back to the start, but often to another point for seamless continuation).

Of course when you decode and downsample the ADX, this information is lost
and needs to be put back in when you encode or your tracks will simply stop
when they are finished.

This tool helps you do that. Because the loop time is in samples, and not
seconds, when you change the sample rate the loop position must be calculated

What you'll need:

ADX decoder (included ADX_Convert.exe)
WAV downsampler (I recommend the free SoX from sox.sourceforge.net)
ADX encoder (included adxencd.exe)

First thing you need to do is copy or extract (from AFS) all your ADX files
to a new folder. For examples sake, we will use C:\ADX

Then you will need to decode them all to a new, temporary folder. Say C:\WAV

I've included ADX_Convert.exe which I consider to be the best decoder, because
it preserves the right volume level at all sample rates (tools like adx2wav
created big problems at non 44KHz sample rates). Make sure you set the fadeout
to 0 because it defaults to 5.

Now you will need to downsample the WAV files. Let's assume they are 44100 Hz
and you wish to downsample to 22050 Hz. Here is a way to do it with sox using
the above examples. SoX executable must be somewhere in your path. Now go to
C:\WAV in command prompt and execute:

FOR %1 in (*.WAV) DO sox %1 -r 22050 C:\ADX\%1 polyphase

This will process each WAV in the folder and place a downsampled version in
C:\ADX using high quality polyphase filtering.

Additionally to convert from stereo to mono, you would add -c 1 to the command
line after the first %1. Personally I prefer 22050 stereo to 44100 mono, but
it's up to you.

Now relax, because it could take a while. You can of course use any other
Audio program to do this task, just make sure your downsampled files end up
in the same folder as your original ADX files.

When that is done, load up ADX Loop Calculator. In the main field, put your
folder which contains both downsampled WAV files and original ADX files. In
our example, this is C:\ADX. Now click Calculate.

If everything worked, you should have a new file called encode.bat created
in C:\ADX. If you didn't delete the ADX files automatically, you can now do
so or move them elsewhere, because they will be overwritten when you encode.

Run encode.bat and it should encode all your WAV files into new dowsampled
and relooped ADX files. That's all there is to it.

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