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Other Consoles Video Thread

Post by pcwzrd13 »

This thread is for posting/sharing YouTube video on other consoles. For Dreamcast-related videos, please post in the Dreamcast Video Thread.
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Ian Micheal
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Re: Star Wars Trilogy Arcade and that Model 3 magic

Post by Ian Micheal »

Vgesoterica wrote:https://youtu.be/2Cy_FAD-fRQ

I loved my Dreamcast but I wish somehow it was closer to Model 3 specs so we could have gotten all these amazing Model 3 games, like Star Wars Trilogy Arcade, on a home console. SOOOO many amazing games that never made it home.

What's everyone's fav Model 3 game?
Course want play something like it lol

which was good for the time

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Re: Star Wars Trilogy Arcade and that Model 3 magic

Post by cloofoofoo »

Vgesoterica wrote:https://youtu.be/2Cy_FAD-fRQ

I loved my Dreamcast but I wish somehow it was closer to Model 3 specs so we could have gotten all these amazing Model 3 games, like Star Wars Trilogy Arcade, on a home console. SOOOO many amazing games that never made it home.

What's everyone's fav Model 3 game?
The dreamcast is pretty close to model 3 specs and theres no reason they didnt port to it other than they didn't want to. At worst the dreamcast seems to be able to push half of what the model 3 can do( late versions of model 3 have 2 gpus) and at best it comes close to matching ( step 1/1.5). Thats more than enough power to get faithful ports with gameplay intact.

That said iam pretty happy with my model 3 ports , after all my favorite game on the dc is fighting vipers 2. It lost half of detail of the characters and parts of the stages got the chop and some lighting was removed but its gameplay is intact . Virtua striker 2 also was superb port by genki thats come pretty close to the model 3 step 2 version with some unnoticeable downgrade.

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Re: Star Wars Trilogy Arcade and that Model 3 magic

Post by Vgesoterica »

cloofoofoo wrote:
Vgesoterica wrote:https://youtu.be/2Cy_FAD-fRQ

I loved my Dreamcast but I wish somehow it was closer to Model 3 specs so we could have gotten all these amazing Model 3 games, like Star Wars Trilogy Arcade, on a home console. SOOOO many amazing games that never made it home.

What's everyone's fav Model 3 game?
The dreamcast is pretty close to model 3 specs and theres no reason they didnt port to it other than they didn't want to. At worst the dreamcast seems to be able to push half of what the model 3 can do( late versions of model 3 have 2 gpus) and at best it comes close to matching ( step 1/1.5). Thats more than enough power to get faithful ports with gameplay intact.

That said iam pretty happy with my model 3 ports , after all my favorite game on the dc is fighting vipers 2. It lost half of detail of the characters and parts of the stages got the chop and some lighting was removed but its gameplay is intact . Virtua striker 2 also was superb port by genki thats come pretty close to the model 3 step 2 version with some unnoticeable downgrade.
The real question is whether Sega ever had the home console rights to Star Wars Trilogy Arcade or if they would have had to pay Lucas more $$ to port it?

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Re: Star Wars Trilogy Arcade and that Model 3 magic

Post by dubcity »

Ian Micheal wrote:Course want play something like it lol

which was good for the time
does the DC emulate 32X?

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Ian Micheal
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Re: Star Wars Trilogy Arcade and that Model 3 magic

Post by Ian Micheal »

dubcity wrote:
Ian Micheal wrote:Course want play something like it lol

which was good for the time
does the DC emulate 32X?
No not at all it be to much i was just saying there was a home console sega machine that played a star wars arcade machine one of the better games on the 32x I remember having the 32x and thinking it was a major upgrade and show with it you could easy have star fox or better 3d grafix using it..

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Re: Star Wars Trilogy Arcade and that Model 3 magic

Post by Anthony817 »

This is mine.


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Gold Lion
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Re: Star Wars Trilogy Arcade and that Model 3 magic

Post by dubcity »

Ian Micheal wrote: No not at all it be to much i was just saying there was a home console sega machine that played a star wars arcade machine one of the better games on the 32x I remember having the 32x and thinking it was a major upgrade and show with it you could easy have star fox or better 3d grafix using it..
Oh ok

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Force Five Atomiswave beta...could it run on DC?

Post by Vgesoterica »


Granted this and Kenju were actually rigged up to work via NAOMI netboot, but considering the rest of the Atomiswave library has come to Dreamcast thanks to the awesome work of Megavolt85 I was curious about the possibilities of this and Kenju being given the same treatment?

I have both game files if that helps.

Anyone else check these out yet?

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Re: Force Five Atomiswave beta...could it run on DC?

Post by Esppiral »

Wow this looks great! Mind you sharing the files? I want to try and make it widescreen.

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