Tough guy... more disappointing crap

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Re: Tough guy... more disappointing crap

Post by Anthony817 »

No idea there. I am only going on the fact almost every h0omebrew is not made with official SDK's, so unlikely this would'nt be too. But yes sounds like emulation possibly.

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Re: Tough guy... more disappointing crap

Post by Ian Micheal »

Anthony817 wrote:No idea there. I am only going on the fact almost every h0omebrew is not made with official SDK's, so unlikely this would'nt be too. But yes sounds like emulation possibly.
It's kos It's not mugen it's ported dos to windows linux version of the src code of the og dos source..

Using mugen assets Run it on nulldc you get it says dev chui when it was compiled what version of kos..

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Re: Tough guy... more disappointing crap

Post by dubcity »

Ian Micheal wrote:
Anthony817 wrote:No idea there. I am only going on the fact almost every h0omebrew is not made with official SDK's, so unlikely this would'nt be too. But yes sounds like emulation possibly.
It's kos It's not mugen it's ported dos to windows linux version of the src code of the og dos source..

Using mugen assets Run it on nulldc you get it says dev chui when it was compiled what version of kos..
So the dos version of the game was ported to linux. Dreamcast version is linux version ported to kos while using mugen assets. That is something to remember.

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Re: Tough guy... more disappointing crap

Post by Nico0020 »

UGH, more quick and badly ported garbage. I watched some of Adam's review and I wish he would call these games out for where they are - garbage cash grabs preying on nostalgia/collectors.

We have such talented people making/porting games to DC that need money and support. Alice Dreams, Intrepid Izzy, Wind & Water, Xeno Crisis, Xenocider, Postal, Shadowgangs, and so much more. STURMWIND being the gold standard of a DC game IMO. Others like Ian are reviving the long dead homebrew scene too. Yet Youtubers keep giving the spotlight to these garbage ports and not calling them out for what they are. I bought the first few Joshprod ports when they came out and was highly disappointed. I wont be buying anymore unless there is an insane jump in quality. Joshprod is worse than HUCAST was at this point. Constant barebones ports that run like absolute shit and have no business being on the DC. The only exception being maybe "Out of This World" as that felt like a passion project.

I have no problem playing $60-100USD for a Dreamcast game, I absolutely love the console and indie games as hobbies and passion projects. But make it worth my money, don't slap a ROM into a poor emulator and expect me to want to buy it.

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Re: Tough guy... more disappointing crap

Post by DCGX »

Adam has always done that though. It's one reason I stopped watching his videos almost immediately. That and just the lack of much tangible information; mostly rambling from what I remember.

I can't imagine these JoshProd release sell that well, but clearly enough for them to keep putting them out. That said, until people stop buying them, they'll know not to put more effort into releases. It's like many Pokemon games. Why make the games run better, look better or evolve (heh) the formula when each entry sells more than the previous.

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Re: Tough guy... more disappointing crap

Post by dark »

Anthony817 wrote:@mrneo240, wait so if this is running on Mugen, it should be easy to mod right? Why did we never get Mugen on the system yet? Well I mean people spoke about porting it, and we had attempts in past but if this is truly running on a custom build of Mugen that is blessing in disguise no?
Mugen ordinarily loads basically everything into ram before a match, all sprites for the fighters, all bg graphics, all stage music, character voices and punch/kick sfx etc. I played around with it 20 years ago and based on what I remember the uncompressed file sizes of these components to be, you'd probably exceed the DC's limited memory everytime if you were loading ordinary mugen characters that had the full complement of sprites/moves from their respective fighting games (all kicks and punches, jump attacks, crouch attacks, special moves, etc) not to mention all the uncompressed pcm character voices/sfx.

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Re: Tough guy... more disappointing crap

Post by Stringer_bell »

DCGX wrote:Adam has always done that though. It's one reason I stopped watching his videos almost immediately. That and just the lack of much tangible information; mostly rambling from what I remember.

I can't imagine these JoshProd release sell that well, but clearly enough for them to keep putting them out. That said, until people stop buying them, they'll know not to put more effort into releases. It's like many Pokemon games. Why make the games run better, look better or evolve (heh) the formula when each entry sells more than the previous.
Guys a shelf collector nothing wrong with that but it is what it is. JoshProd knows his base, he could port solitaire to the system and the Youtube crowd would eat it up.

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Re: Tough guy... more disappointing crap

Post by Wombat »

JoshProd / PixelHeart, if only their games were half as cool as their packaging.....

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Re: Tough guy... more disappointing crap

Post by DCGX »

Stringer_bell wrote:
DCGX wrote:Adam has always done that though. It's one reason I stopped watching his videos almost immediately. That and just the lack of much tangible information; mostly rambling from what I remember.

I can't imagine these JoshProd release sell that well, but clearly enough for them to keep putting them out. That said, until people stop buying them, they'll know not to put more effort into releases. It's like many Pokemon games. Why make the games run better, look better or evolve (heh) the formula when each entry sells more than the previous.
Guys a shelf collector nothing wrong with that but it is what it is. JoshProd knows his base, he could port solitaire to the system and the Youtube crowd would eat it up.
You're right, there's nothing wrong with being a collector. I'm a collector. The issue is that Adam thinks and portrays himself as a knowledgeable person within the DC scene; an expert, and he always has. Therefore, he has a responsibility to be accurate and provide useful information, but everything is very surface level. Sure there's nothing holding him to that responsibility, but there are people that understand and do their best to abide by that, and others are like Adam.

It's the same issue I have with MetalJesusRocks. Because of the size of his base, he portrays himself as a very knowledgeable gamer/collector. The twist with him is he'll often admit not knowing something that literally takes a two-second Google search, (but will ask for people to leave a comment because Google algorithm!) and he'll put guesses and unverified info in his videos anyway.

At least do the research. For people that make videos and play games for a living, it's not asking much at all. I certainty can't get away with being anywhere near as uninformed in my job as some of these guys are in theirs. And I know they all talk about the time sink of keeping up on social media and patreons and blah blah blah it's a lot of work to get their name out and sustain their job, but shit that's marketing. I do the same thing for an entire company and I don't get to play games and talk about games on video all day.


To circle back, you're right, JoshProd knows what they're doing, and they always have.

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Re: Tough guy... more disappointing crap

Post by mazonemayu »

DCGX wrote:
mazonemayu wrote:
DCGX wrote:I'm shocked. SHOCKED!

As far as Dreamcast releases, most just don't seem worth it.

Same here, I did order Vulkaiser though, but I’m a huge fan of the 60’s/70’s huge robot anime stuff with their bombastic soundtracks, so even if the game turns out to be half assed, there’s still the style & soundtrack :mrgreen:
I'd be interested to hear your thoughts.

Ok, so here goes: I understand why you think it is crap. It’s pretty low rez, the movies have the kind of grain the Saturn has too & the explosions are garbage, it should def have been more crisp but we all know how lazy they are over at JP

I’m playing it on a CRT via RGB however, so this makes it look “ok” for the most part.

As for gameplay: it is pretty vanilla and not too hard, but this is coming from someone who can 1CC stuff like Fire Shark & Twin Cobra :lol:

And now for the good part: come on man, it has 70’s robots & bombastic music, how can anyone not like that. It is a tribute to all the shit I grew up with, so the nostalgia for it is strong with me, and for that (and that alone :lol: ) it gets bonus points

Pic of my robot collection included, so you understand where I’m coming from :mrgreen:
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