Openbor pc VS Dreambor memory use

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Ian Micheal
Posts: 6008
Joined: Wed Dec 19, 2018 5:23 am
Location: USA

Openbor pc VS Dreambor memory use

Post by Ian Micheal »

Lets look at ram uses Pc openbor Vs Dreambor dc
Pc openbor look at the ram used when it unloads a level

Code: Select all

Level Loaded:    'data/levels/ffight1/stage1a.txt'
Total Ram: 4294967295 Bytes
 Free Ram: 1234751488 Bytes
 Used Ram: 31526912 Bytes
Total sprites mapped: 357

Level Unloading: 'data/levels/ffight1/stage1a.txt'
Total Ram: 4294967295 Bytes
 Free Ram: 1264369664 Bytes
 Used Ram: 31846400 Bytes

RAM Status:
Total Ram: 4294967295 Bytes
 Free Ram: 1264369664 Bytes
 Used Ram: 31846400 Bytes
[6:07 PM] ian micheal: all base levels it still using 31846400 thats all known models loaded they never get freed at all
[6:08 PM] ian micheal: before loading the level on pc Used Ram: 31526912 Bytes after unloading the level Used Ram: 31846400 Bytes
[6:09 PM] ian micheal: did it unload anything not a dam thing

Loading and unloading the level it used more ram on pc and never free a thing
Got factor on how much kos is using sdl is using etc all the buffers being set up
Malloc which is wasteful etc etc not just about Dreambor here
Also read only files system all libs are baked into the bin file unlike windows

Dreamcast is a limited read only embedded system

This engine is made for a HD and unlimited ram
Both loading the exact same game check memory use

Openbor pc ram use on boot
Total Ram: 4294967295 Bytes
Free Ram: 1264779264 Bytes
Used Ram: 3612672 Bytes
Openbor pc memory use on shutdown
************ Shutting Down ************

OpenBOR v3.0 Build , Compile Date: Jan 26 2017
Presented by the OpenBOR Team.
OpenBOR is the open source continuation of Beats of Rage by Senile Team.

Special thanks to SEGA and SNK.

Total Ram: 4294967295 Bytes
Free Ram: 1259859968 Bytes
Used Ram: 31395840 Bytes

Drreambor dreamcast memory use on boot
Total Ram: 16777216 Bytes
Free Ram: 13533188 Bytes
Used Ram: 3244028 Bytes

Dreambor dreamcast memory use on shutdown
************ Shutting Down ************

OpenBOR v3.0 Build IMRBETA 6 81632, Compile Date: Sep 20 2020
Presented by the OpenBOR Team.
OpenBOR is the open source continuation of Beats of Rage by Senile Team.

Special thanks to SEGA and SNK.

Total Ram: 16777216 Bytes
Free Ram: 10186756 Bytes
Used Ram: 6590460 Bytes

Both on shutdown dont free any ram even thou they say they do
I run both watching debug and logs..

Dreamcast version uses heaps less ram to boot the same game

No errors here just how it works


Code: Select all

Total Ram: 4294967295 Bytes
 Free Ram: 1264779264 Bytes
 Used Ram: 3612672 Bytes

debug:nativeWidth, nativeHeight, bpp, Hz  1862, 1048, 24, 60

1 joystick(s) found!
OpenBoR v3.0 Build , Compile Date: Jan 26 2017

Game Selected: ./Paks/FIRST_FIGHT.pak

FileCaching System Init......	Enabled
Initializing video............
'data/video.txt' not found.
Initialized video.............	320x240 (Mode: 0, Depth: 8 Bit)

Loading menu.txt.............	Done!
Loading fonts................	1 2 3 4 Done!
Timer init...................	Done!
Initialize Sound..............	
Loading sprites..............	Done!
Loading level order..........	Done!
Loading model constants......	Done!
Loading script settings......	Done!
Loading scripts..............	Done!
Loading models...............

Cacheing 'Flash' from data/chars/misc/flash.txt
Cacheing 'Knifep' from data/chars/misc/knifep.txt
Cacheing 'Bombp' from data/chars/misc/bombp.txt
Cacheing 'Bombe' from data/chars/misc/bombe.txt
Cacheing 'Blue' from data/chars/misc/blue.txt
Cacheing 'Wave' from data/chars/misc/wave.txt
Cacheing 'Laser' from data/chars/misc/laser.txt
Cacheing 'Mainyu' from data/chars/Mainyu/Mainyu.txt
Cacheing 'Shado' from data/chars/Shado/Shado.txt
Cacheing 'Medikit' from data/chars/misc/medikit.txt
Cacheing 'Herbs' from data/chars/misc/herbs.txt
Cacheing '1up' from data/chars/misc/1up.txt
Cacheing 'Money' from data/chars/misc/money.txt
Cacheing 'Gold' from data/chars/misc/gold.txt
Cacheing 'Sapphire' from data/chars/misc/sapphire.txt
Cacheing 'Jewel' from data/chars/misc/jewel.txt
Cacheing 'Plate' from data/chars/misc/plate.txt
Cacheing 'Medal' from data/chars/misc/medal.txt
Cacheing 'Meat' from data/chars/misc/meat.txt
Cacheing 'Bomb' from data/chars/misc/bombp.txt
Cacheing 'Laser' from data/chars/misc/laser.txt
Cacheing 'Box' from data/chars/misc/box.txt
Cacheing 'Shelves' from data/chars/misc/shelves.txt
Cacheing 'Garbage' from data/chars/misc/garbage.txt
Cacheing 'Case' from data/chars/misc/case.txt
Cacheing 'Drum' from data/chars/misc/drum.txt
Cacheing 'Statue' from data/chars/misc/statue.txt
Cacheing 'Barrel' from data/chars/misc/barrel.txt
Cacheing 'nevor' from data/chars/nevor/nevor.txt
Cacheing 'Berok' from data/chars/Berok/Berok.txt
Cacheing 'Burok' from data/chars/Burok/Burok.txt
Cacheing 'Tabru' from data/chars/Tabru/Tabru.txt
Cacheing 'Ambi' from data/chars/ambi/ambi.txt
Cacheing 'Unki' from data/chars/Unki/Unki.txt
Cacheing 'depre' from data/chars/depre/depre.txt
Cacheing 'Nothing' from data/chars/nothing/nothing.txt
Cacheing 'Buba' from data/chars/Buba/Buba.txt
Cacheing 'Gobo' from data/chars/Gobo/Gobo.txt
Cacheing 'Tlok' from data/chars/Tlok/Tlok.txt
Cacheing 'Unki' from data/chars/Unki/Unki.txt
Cacheing 'Jeal' from data/chars/Jeal/Jeal.txt
Cacheing 'apat' from data/chars/apat/apat.txt
Cacheing 'Devo' from data/chars/Devo/Devo.txt
Cacheing 'Nort' from data/chars/Nort/Nort.txt
Cacheing 'dolg' from data/chars/dolg/dolg.txt
Cacheing 'Sten' from data/chars/Sten/Sten.txt
Cacheing 'Dorubal' from data/chars/dorubal/dorubal.txt
Cacheing 'Jeal' from data/chars/Jeal/Jeal.txt
Cacheing 'Nort' from data/chars/Nort/Nort.txt
Cacheing 'Vyen' from data/chars/Vyen/Vyen.txt
Cacheing 'Faer' from data/chars/faer/faer.txt
Cacheing 'Chabu' from data/chars/chabu/chabu.txt
Cacheing 'Gusam' from data/chars/gusam/gusam.txt
Cacheing 'Knife' from data/chars/misc/knife.txt
Cacheing 'Shot' from data/chars/misc/shot.txt
Cacheing 'rain' from data/chars/misc/rain.txt
Cacheing 'Blue' from data/chars/misc/blue.txt
Cacheing 'Diamond' from data/chars/diamond/diamond.txt
Cacheing 'Wave' from data/chars/misc/wave.txt

Loading 'Flash' from data/chars/misc/flash.txt
Loading 'KnifeP' from data/chars/misc/knifep.txt
WARNING: data/chars/misc/bombp.txt tries to load a nonnumeric value at shadow, where a number is expected!
erroneus string: none
Loading 'Bombp' from data/chars/misc/bombp.txt
WARNING: data/chars/misc/bombe.txt tries to load a nonnumeric value at shadow, where a number is expected!
erroneus string: none
Loading 'Bombe' from data/chars/misc/bombe.txt
WARNING: data/chars/misc/blue.txt tries to load a nonnumeric value at shadow, where a number is expected!
erroneus string: none
Loading 'Blue' from data/chars/misc/blue.txt
Loading 'Wave' from data/chars/misc/wave.txt
Loading 'Laser' from data/chars/misc/laser.txt
Command 'know' not understood in file 'data/chars/Mainyu/Mainyu.txt'!
sound_load_sample can't load sample from file 'data/sounds/hit01.wav'!
Loading 'Mainyu' from data/chars/Mainyu/Mainyu.txt
Command 'know' not understood in file 'data/chars/Shado/Shado.txt'!
sound_load_sample can't load sample from file 'data/sounds/hit01.wav'!
Loading 'Shado' from data/chars/Shado/Shado.txt

Loading models...............	Done!
Object engine init...........	Done!
Input init...................	
1 joystick(s) found!
XInput Controller #1 - 6 axes, 11 buttons, 1 hat(s)
Create blending tables.......	Done!
Save settings so far........	Done!

Level Loading:   'data/levels/ffight1/stage1a.txt'
Total Ram: 4294967295 Bytes
 Free Ram: 1239040000 Bytes
 Used Ram: 30097408 Bytes

Loading 'Shelves' from data/chars/misc/shelves.txt
Loading 'Plate' from data/chars/misc/plate.txt
Loading 'Case' from data/chars/misc/case.txt
Loading 'Sapphire' from data/chars/misc/sapphire.txt
Loading 'Medal' from data/chars/misc/medal.txt
Loading 'Medikit' from data/chars/misc/medikit.txt
Loading 'Herbs' from data/chars/misc/herbs.txt
Loading 'Nevor' from data/chars/nevor/nevor.txt
Loading 'Depre' from data/chars/depre/depre.txt
Loading 'Dolg' from data/chars/dolg/dolg.txt
Warning: Failed to create colourmap. Failed to load file 2
Loading 'Ambi' from data/chars/ambi/ambi.txt
Warning: command 'palette' is not available under 8bit mode
Loading 'Apat' from data/chars/apat/apat.txt
Warning: Failed to create colourmap. Failed to load file 2
Loading 'Sten' from data/chars/Sten/Sten.txt
Loading 'Tlok' from data/chars/Tlok/Tlok.txt
Loading 'Knife' from data/chars/misc/knife.txt
Loading 'Jeal' from data/chars/Jeal/Jeal.txt
Loading 'Tabru' from data/chars/Tabru/Tabru.txt

Level Loaded:    'data/levels/ffight1/stage1a.txt'
Total Ram: 4294967295 Bytes
 Free Ram: 1234751488 Bytes
 Used Ram: 31526912 Bytes
Total sprites mapped: 357

Level Unloading: 'data/levels/ffight1/stage1a.txt'
Total Ram: 4294967295 Bytes
 Free Ram: 1264369664 Bytes
 Used Ram: 31846400 Bytes

RAM Status:
Total Ram: 4294967295 Bytes
 Free Ram: 1264369664 Bytes
 Used Ram: 31846400 Bytes

************ Shutting Down ************

OpenBOR v3.0 Build , Compile Date: Jan 26 2017
Presented by the OpenBOR Team.
OpenBOR is the open source continuation of Beats of Rage by Senile Team.

Special thanks to SEGA and SNK.

Total Ram: 4294967295 Bytes
 Free Ram: 1259859968 Bytes
 Used Ram: 31395840 Bytes

Release level data...........

Release graphics data........	Done!
Release game data............

Unload 'Flash' ............Done.
Unload 'KnifeP' ............Done.
Unload 'Bombp' ............Done.
Unload 'Bombe' ............Done.
Unload 'Blue' ............Done.
Unload 'Wave' ............Done.
Unload 'Laser' ............Done.
Unload 'Mainyu' ............Done.
Unload 'Shado' ............Done.
Unload 'Shelves' ............Done.
Unload 'Plate' ............Done.
Unload 'Case' ............Done.
Unload 'Sapphire' ............Done.
Unload 'Medal' ............Done.
Unload 'Medikit' ............Done.
Unload 'Herbs' ............Done.
Unload 'Nevor' ............Done.
Unload 'Depre' ............Done.
Unload 'Dolg' ............Done.
Unload 'Ambi' ............Done.
Unload 'Apat' ............Done.
Unload 'Sten' ............Done.
Unload 'Tlok' ............Done.
Unload 'Jeal' ............Done.
Unload 'Knife' ............Done.
Unload 'Tabru' ............Done.

Release game data............	Done!
Release timer................	Done!
Release input hardware.......	Done!
Release sound system.........	Done!
Release FileCaching System...	Done!

**************** Done *****************

OpenBOR v3.0 Build , Compile Date: Jan 26 2017
Presented by the OpenBOR Team.
OpenBOR is the open source continuation of Beats of Rage by Senile Team.

Special thanks to SEGA and SNK.

Dreambor memory use

Code: Select all

Error in dc\mem\sb.cpp:sb_WriteMem:465  -> Write to System Control Regs , not
mplemented , addr=5f74ec,data=1fffff | pc = 0x8C029AC0
maple: active drivers:
    VMU Driver: Clock, LCD, MemoryCard
    Mouse Driver: Mouse
    Keyboard Driver: Keyboard
    Controller Driver: Controller
  DMA Buffer at ac047ae0
vid_set_mode: 640x480 NTSC
maple: attached devices:
  A0: Dreamcast Controller          (01000000: Controller)
  A1: Visual Memory                 (0e000000: Clock, LCD, MemoryCard)
vid_set_mode: 640x480 NTSC
fs_iso9660: disc change detected
arch: calling atexit functions
arch: shutting down kernel
maple: final stats -- device count = 2, vbl_cntr = 10, dma_cntr = 10
vid_set_mode: 640x480 NTSC

KallistiOS Git revision 7a52bdf-dirty:
  Thu Aug 20 08:48:36 EDT 2020
Error in dc\mem\sb.cpp:sb_WriteMem:465  -> Write to System Control Regs , not
mplemented , addr=5f74e4,data=1fffff | pc = 0x8C0EBE20
maple: active drivers:
    Dreameye (Camera): Camera
    Sound Input Peripheral: Microphone
    PuruPuru (Vibration) Pack: JumpPack
    VMU Driver: Clock, LCD, MemoryCard
    Mouse Driver: Mouse
    Keyboard Driver: Keyboard
    Controller Driver: Controller
    Lightgun: LightGun
  DMA Buffer at ac3034c0
vid_set_mode: 640x480 VGA
maple: attached devices:
  A0: Dreamcast Controller          (01000000: Controller)
  A1: Visual Memory                 (0e000000: Clock, LCD, MemoryCard)
Total Ram: 16777216 Bytes
 Free Ram: 13537284 Bytes
 Used Ram: 3239932 Bytes

Total Ram: 16777216 Bytes
 Free Ram: 13533188 Bytes
 Used Ram: 3244028 Bytes

OpenBoR v3.0 Build IMRBETA 6 81632, Compile Date: Sep 20 2020

Game Selected: bor.pak

FileCaching System Init......   fs_iso9660: disc change detected
  (joliet level 3 extensions detected)
Initializing video............
Reading video settings from 'data/video.txt'.
Initialized video.............  320x240 (Mode: 0, Depth: 16 Bit)

vid_set_mode: 320x240 VGA
Loading menu.txt.............   Done!
Loading fonts................   1 2 3 4 Done!
Timer init...................   Done!
Initialize Sound..............
snd_init(): loading 3332 bytes into SPU RAM
snd_stream: alloc'd channels 0/1
Loading sprites..............   snd_stream_poll: chan0(0).pos = -1944751724 (8
Loading level order..........   Done!
Loading model constants......   Done!
Loading script settings......   Done!
Loading scripts..............   Done!
Loading models...............

Cacheing 'Flash' from data/chars/misc/flash.txt
Cacheing 'Knifep' from data/chars/misc/knifep.txt
Cacheing 'Bombp' from data/chars/misc/bombp.txt
Cacheing 'Bombe' from data/chars/misc/bombe.txt
Cacheing 'Blue' from data/chars/misc/blue.txt
Cacheing 'Wave' from data/chars/misc/wave.txt
Cacheing 'Laser' from data/chars/misc/laser.txt
Cacheing 'Mainyu' from data/chars/Mainyu/Mainyu.txt
Cacheing 'Shado' from data/chars/Shado/Shado.txt
Cacheing 'Medikit' from data/chars/misc/medikit.txt
Cacheing 'Herbs' from data/chars/misc/herbs.txt
Cacheing '1up' from data/chars/misc/1up.txt
Cacheing 'Money' from data/chars/misc/money.txt
Cacheing 'Gold' from data/chars/misc/gold.txt
Cacheing 'Sapphire' from data/chars/misc/sapphire.txt
Cacheing 'Jewel' from data/chars/misc/jewel.txt
Cacheing 'Plate' from data/chars/misc/plate.txt
Cacheing 'Medal' from data/chars/misc/medal.txt
Cacheing 'Meat' from data/chars/misc/meat.txt
Cacheing 'Bomb' from data/chars/misc/bombp.txt
Cacheing 'Laser' from data/chars/misc/laser.txt
Cacheing 'Box' from data/chars/misc/box.txt
Cacheing 'Shelves' from data/chars/misc/shelves.txt
Cacheing 'Garbage' from data/chars/misc/garbage.txt
Cacheing 'Case' from data/chars/misc/case.txt
Cacheing 'Drum' from data/chars/misc/drum.txt
Cacheing 'Statue' from data/chars/misc/statue.txt
Cacheing 'Barrel' from data/chars/misc/barrel.txt
Cacheing 'nevor' from data/chars/nevor/nevor.txt
Cacheing 'Berok' from data/chars/Berok/Berok.txt
Cacheing 'Burok' from data/chars/Burok/Burok.txt
Cacheing 'Tabru' from data/chars/Tabru/Tabru.txt
Cacheing 'Ambi' from data/chars/ambi/ambi.txt
Cacheing 'Unki' from data/chars/Unki/Unki.txt
Cacheing 'depre' from data/chars/depre/depre.txt
Cacheing 'Nothing' from data/chars/nothing/nothing.txt
Cacheing 'Buba' from data/chars/Buba/Buba.txt
Cacheing 'Gobo' from data/chars/Gobo/Gobo.txt
Cacheing 'Tlok' from data/chars/Tlok/Tlok.txt
Cacheing 'Unki' from data/chars/Unki/Unki.txt
Cacheing 'Jeal' from data/chars/Jeal/Jeal.txt
Cacheing 'apat' from data/chars/apat/apat.txt
Cacheing 'Devo' from data/chars/Devo/Devo.txt
Cacheing 'Nort' from data/chars/Nort/Nort.txt
Cacheing 'dolg' from data/chars/dolg/dolg.txt
Cacheing 'Sten' from data/chars/Sten/Sten.txt
Cacheing 'Dorubal' from data/chars/dorubal/dorubal.txt
Cacheing 'Jeal' from data/chars/Jeal/Jeal.txt
Cacheing 'Nort' from data/chars/Nort/Nort.txt
Cacheing 'Vyen' from data/chars/Vyen/Vyen.txt
Cacheing 'Faer' from data/chars/faer/faer.txt
Cacheing 'Chabu' from data/chars/chabu/chabu.txt
Cacheing 'Gusam' from data/chars/gusam/gusam.txt
Cacheing 'Knife' from data/chars/misc/knife.txt
Cacheing 'Shot' from data/chars/misc/shot.txt
Cacheing 'rain' from data/chars/misc/rain.txt
Cacheing 'Blue' from data/chars/misc/blue.txt
Cacheing 'Diamond' from data/chars/diamond/diamond.txt
Cacheing 'Wave' from data/chars/misc/wave.txt

Loading 'Flash' from data/chars/misc/flash.txt
Loading 'KnifeP' from data/chars/misc/knifep.txt
WARNING: data/chars/misc/bombp.txt tries to load a nonnumeric value at shadow,
here a number is expected!
erroneus string: none
Loading 'Bombp' from data/chars/misc/bombp.txt
WARNING: data/chars/misc/bombe.txt tries to load a nonnumeric value at shadow,
here a number is expected!
erroneus string: none
Loading 'Bombe' from data/chars/misc/bombe.txt
WARNING: data/chars/misc/blue.txt tries to load a nonnumeric value at shadow,
ere a number is expected!
erroneus string: none
Loading 'Blue' from data/chars/misc/blue.txt
Loading 'Wave' from data/chars/misc/wave.txt
Loading 'Laser' from data/chars/misc/laser.txt
Command 'know' not understood in file 'data/chars/Mainyu/Mainyu.txt'!
sound_load_sample can't load sample from file 'data/sounds/hit01.wav'!
Loading 'Mainyu' from data/chars/Mainyu/Mainyu.txt
Command 'know' not understood in file 'data/chars/Shado/Shado.txt'!
sound_load_sample can't load sample from file 'data/sounds/hit01.wav'!
Loading 'Shado' from data/chars/Shado/Shado.txt

Loading models...............   Done!
Object engine init...........   Done!
Input init...................   Done!
Create blending tables.......   Done!
Save settings so far........    Done!
Level Loading:   'data/levels/ffight1/stage1a.txt'
Total Ram: 16777216 Bytes
 Free Ram: 10264580 Bytes
 Used Ram: 6512636 Bytes

Loading 'Shelves' from data/chars/misc/shelves.txt
Loading 'Plate' from data/chars/misc/plate.txt
Loading 'Case' from data/chars/misc/case.txt
Loading 'Sapphire' from data/chars/misc/sapphire.txt
Loading 'Medal' from data/chars/misc/medal.txt
Loading 'Medikit' from data/chars/misc/medikit.txt
Loading 'Herbs' from data/chars/misc/herbs.txt
Loading 'Nevor' from data/chars/nevor/nevor.txt
Loading 'Depre' from data/chars/depre/depre.txt
Loading 'Dolg' from data/chars/dolg/dolg.txt
Warning: Failed to create colourmap. Failed to load file 2
Loading 'Ambi' from data/chars/ambi/ambi.txt
Loading 'Apat' from data/chars/apat/apat.txt
Warning: Failed to create colourmap. Failed to load file 2
Loading 'Sten' from data/chars/Sten/Sten.txt
Loading 'Tlok' from data/chars/Tlok/Tlok.txt
Loading 'Knife' from data/chars/misc/knife.txt
Loading 'Jeal' from data/chars/Jeal/Jeal.txt
Loading 'Tabru' from data/chars/Tabru/Tabru.txt

Level Loaded:    'data/levels/ffight1/stage1a.txt'
Total Ram: 16777216 Bytes
 Free Ram: 9342980 Bytes
 Used Ram: 7434236 Bytes
Total sprites mapped: 357

photon blast
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Joined: Thu Dec 05, 2019 1:47 pm

Re: Openbor pc VS Dreambor memory use

Post by Roz »

Many NEW BOR games in Dreamshell HDD (with presets defaults) dont work after some stages in game (reboot).
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Ian Micheal
Posts: 6008
Joined: Wed Dec 19, 2018 5:23 am
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Re: Openbor pc VS Dreambor memory use

Post by Ian Micheal »

Roz wrote:Many NEW BOR games in Dreamshell HDD (with presets defaults) dont work after some stages in game (reboot).
Indeed i have asked people to test to the end before releasing any of them ... and to mod them to work
Rank 9
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Re: Openbor pc VS Dreambor memory use

Post by kremiso »

Thank you Ian for this memory tutorial
i was trying to make something with this recently, not easy, memory bottleneck in first
sometime i noticed a slow/not correct release, little memory leaks here and there (sort of)

latest Ghost n Demons (downgraded/modded) was the attempt
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Ian Micheal
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Re: Openbor pc VS Dreambor memory use

Post by Ian Micheal »

kremiso wrote:Thank you Ian for this memory tutorial
i was trying to make something with this recently, not easy, memory bottleneck in first
sometime i noticed a slow/not correct release, little memory leaks here and there (sort of)

latest Ghost n Demons (downgraded/modded) was the attempt
Yes only way is to use the levels txt and cut each level into single levels and put next you cant have levels in a row as it only clears when you say next or end or shut down the engine..

Models txt all to known but whats needed

Notice ripfires last versions you can select any level each in turn thats the way to do this.. level after level after level will not work.. take a look at any of the releases i did of games like gods of war look at the levels text and models txt..

You see how i was able to make games work.. You must unpack the bor.pak or it never free it when it's in the malloc cache
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Ro Magnus Larsson
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Re: Openbor pc VS Dreambor memory use

Post by Ro Magnus Larsson »

Ian: I guess I already understand all the problem, so I want to go directly to action. Can you simplify the steps to modify the files in a game? or where is explained in detail...thanx
Ro Magnus
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Ian Micheal
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Re: Openbor pc VS Dreambor memory use

Post by Ian Micheal »

You have to make sure all models are known you have to convert all files to 8 bit pal using infview 1 by 1 by hand so get a working pal from one of the files in the game load it up convert it to 8bit pal export the pal file then open each file then apply the working 8 bit pal.. level.txt you have to end a level between stages etc.. this is the outline of making a game work and reducing all memory use and getting 60fps..
You have to convert all ogg music to bor format ... It's all work// if you check hyper final fight 3 i did this .. this game was a 16 bit pal game you cant tell it has any changes by playing it I chose custom colours that fit the sprites .. but it runs 60fps and has every stage and does not crash.. even 4 player at once.

Convert all files to a working 8 bit pal
convert all models.txt to known
convert all music to bor music.bor
change levels.txt to end a stage after each level

there can be 1300+ files in a game that's opening and closing editing each one.. some files in the game you cant use the same pal

so sorry to say it's weeks of work for each game to work correct. but it will after and not have memory problems or speed problems..

the 3 games i did speak for them self how polished they are just check gamesreup's reviews
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Ro Magnus Larsson
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Re: Openbor pc VS Dreambor memory use

Post by Ro Magnus Larsson »

it's hard to find software for converting ogg/wav sounds files to bor format, do you have one?
I am solving all issues except that and this:
you have to end a level between stages etc.. this is the outline of making a game work and reducing all memory use and getting 60fps..
I wonder if this method could be replaced by divide a game in two ISO for example: A game with 10 stages, make an "Episode 1.cdi" and "Episode 2.cdi" 5 stages each..¿?
another question about memory use: I am working on a new game, it will may be my last work in DreamBOR ¿How much affect RAM memory the number of movements/powers a Character have? I want to make the char with a combination of combos and powers)
Ro Magnus
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Ian Micheal
Posts: 6008
Joined: Wed Dec 19, 2018 5:23 am
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Re: Openbor pc VS Dreambor memory use

Post by Ian Micheal »

Ro Magnus Larsson wrote:it's hard to find software for converting ogg/wav sounds files to bor format, do you have one?
I am solving all issues except that and this:
you have to end a level between stages etc.. this is the outline of making a game work and reducing all memory use and getting 60fps..
I wonder if this method could be replaced by divide a game in two ISO for example: A game with 10 stages, make an "Episode 1.cdi" and "Episode 2.cdi" 5 stages each..¿?
another question about memory use: I am working on a new game, it will may be my last work in DreamBOR ¿How much affect RAM memory the number of movements/powers a Character have? I want to make the char with a combination of combos and powers)
Yes you could do that like part 1 and 2 cdi 1 and 2 etc..

I could make it load the next part in the same cdi.. it's a good idea.. Memory is how many sprites are loading not movements..
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Ro Magnus Larsson
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Joined: Sat Jul 04, 2020 1:34 pm
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Location: Argentina

Re: Openbor pc VS Dreambor memory use

Post by Ro Magnus Larsson »

Ian Micheal wrote:
Ro Magnus Larsson wrote:it's hard to find software for converting ogg/wav sounds files to bor format, do you have one?
I am solving all issues except that and this:
you have to end a level between stages etc.. this is the outline of making a game work and reducing all memory use and getting 60fps..
I wonder if this method could be replaced by divide a game in two ISO for example: A game with 10 stages, make an "Episode 1.cdi" and "Episode 2.cdi" 5 stages each..¿?
another question about memory use: I am working on a new game, it will may be my last work in DreamBOR ¿How much affect RAM memory the number of movements/powers a Character have? I want to make the char with a combination of combos and powers)
Yes you could do that like part 1 and 2 cdi 1 and 2 etc..

I could make it load the next part in the same cdi.. it's a good idea.. Memory is how many sprites are loading not movements..
how you determine that? is how many pics or total files weight in Kb/Mb or is just what all simultaneouly is used on screen ? Have an idea for DreamBOR the "how manys" of each thing?
if I want a Char with a lot of movements/power, so have to reduce some enemies on screen and bgs weights? it does not matter if even have to reduce stages (I would do episodes) but I could never determine what exactly is, in simple games is not so hard but if want a HQ game maybe is important
Ro Magnus
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