Metro 2033 and why you should play it

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Dreamcast Swirl
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Metro 2033 and why you should play it

Post by BrianC »

Metro 2033 is the second best single player FPS ever made. Yes, better than HL or HL2, and right behind Stalker Call of Pripyat. It is survival horror that doesn't rely on gimmicks but rather on creating a world so horrifying that the slightest sound from backing into a crate will scare the shit out of you. The game is currently on sale for five bucks at THQ and I grabbed it for $5 on Steam and I highly recommend it if anyone hasn't already played it :D

Oh and for you STALKER fans! It was made by a team that broke off from Stalker and helped work on the Xray engine. The game has a lot of similarities in character design and style and plays like a linear Stalker in a lot of ways.

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Re: Metro 2033 and why you should play it

Post by elmagicochrisg »

I suppose if I like Dead Space I will like this too then?...
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Dreamcast Swirl
Posts: 529

Re: Metro 2033 and why you should play it

Post by BrianC »

Hmmm I really can't say that for sure. I don't know if you play PC games much (yes this is on the 360 as well but it will make sense in a moment) but PC fps games are much different than console fps games. Metro 2033 for example got bad reviews on the 360 because it was a PC first game so the controller never felt right or precise because it was not built around it but rather an afterthought. The opposite is also true and Dead Space is a good example. On the PC the controls never felt right because the game was designed for the 360 first and foremost. It makes a huge difference. If you are going to get it for the PC I would recommend it and if on the 360 I would recommend a demo because I've heard a wide range of opinions on the 360 version. Oh and if you have a decent PC the graphics are ungodly, even on my HD5770

As for comparisons to Dead Space there are a few like them both being survival horror and both single player focused games. I personally like Metro a lot better because it opts for a first person perspective and completely removes any form of HUD but rather makes everything feel like you are actually experiencing it. An example would be for your objectives you have a clip board that you hold up in one hand with a little compass on top and a lighter in the other hand to illuminate the board. It works very well. Metro can also be played in a lot of different ways. You can go through a lot of the parts using stealth which the game actually makes really enjoyable because lighting plays such a big part. I would go around with a throwing knife and nail people in the back of the head, sneak up to their position, turn off their light and then flank another two enemies at the end of the hall. It works very well but so does going guns out assuming you aren't playing on the hardest mode (which I just finished, it was epic :D ). I personally think Metro 2033 was far more immerse and more terrifying because of it, I never found Dead Space scary sadly.

Either way, there's a demo for both mediums I believe and I would love to know what you think if you ever check it out :D

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Re: Metro 2033 and why you should play it

Post by nnorton44 »

I will have to check it out! Surprisingly I have not played Metro yet, I will give it a try after I stop obsessing over Mass Effect 3.

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