Sega's going to make a new console? my thoughts

This forum is closed. Rumor and speculation topics about future Sega consoles are no longer allowed in any forum section as of 2/22/2012
Posts: 156
Dreamcast Games you play Online: none except sonic adventure. I'm still a huge sega fan!

Re: Sega's going to make a new console? my thoughts

Post by Mephiles550 »

I personaly really hate Bernie Stolar also. He gave up on the saturn without giving it a chance! saying the saturn isn't sega's future was such a retarded desicion. For buisness/moneymaking, sonic, Any games that could have been great classics, and also Sega pretty much as well have admited that they made 3 console's in a row (CD, 32X, SATURN) that beside's sales wise(sort of), Failed to go against Nintendo and sony and that the console wasn't as good as the genesis...before he left sega he might as well have said that the company sucked besides the Genesis, Dreamcast, and sonic. Well thats in my opinion anyway

Also the sonic pool engine? isn't that the gameplay engine used in "sonic world" in the sonic jam game and also the sonic gameplay engine in nights into dreams:christmas edition? It's a flawless engine and It looks like it controls perfectly with the exception of sonic's speed, but I would have perfered the fisheye engine because of how it interesting it was to look at! Sonic pool was great dont get me wrong but it was just to...basic...How does this not catch your eye?!
or this? ... re=related
and this? ... re=related
and especially this! ... re=related
the music is some of the most godlike things I've heard from a game ever! Sonic games usually always have great music but this...good god! I managed to find the entire song in the last link but it's in low quality and it's not released in the Music pack that Chriss senn released. Here's the MP3 used in the vid if your interested. (low quality though) ... re=related

Looking at what this game could have done to the saturn and SEGA let alone just sonic makes me feel sad...Think about It definitely wouldn't have HURTED sonic's reputation or made it worse....The game is just so unique and weird that the more and more I see It the more I wish I was the one who payed 2500$ at the auction for the PC beta of the game back in the early 00's. There was also an ebay auction for the same disc not to long ago but I think the bidding time is done and even if it isn't I can't seem to find it...If Sega died and they took sonic with them though and I looked at this vid though I would probably cry instead....Also I heard rumors that sonic adventure 1 was going to be released on the Saturn but that's probably all false rumors.

Nowadays Im just glad to know sonic and sega are still alive AND NO MATTER what happens to them I will always be a fan of Sega from the SG-1000 to the year they die! SEGA FOR AGES :!: :!: :!: (get what I did there?)


Re: Sega's going to make a new console? my thoughts

Post by MrSega »

Mephiles. The Sonic Pool engine did help inspire Sonic Team to design a simplistic engine for Sonic Jam. You see, after Sonic Xtreme got canned, Sonic Team felt bad. They knew that they just didn't have the time to design a good Sonic platform game(they were too busy with other projects) so they just threw together a compliation title with the engine and lots of unique features and extras. The Sonic World missions were to give you something to do. Soon after the release of Sonic Jam, development of Dreamcast officially begin, and Sonic Team was called to begin R&D for thier working title "Sonic RPG" which of course became Sonic Adventure.

In regaurds to Sonic Xtreme turning out to be a decent game, well the 2D fisheye engine was actually very difficult to program and use. Senn struggled with this to the point where everyone who had been invovled had already moved on. I think Naka would have approved the Nights engine had Stolar not been managing Sega of America, I personally think that the Pool engine would have be prefect for the game and the sacrifing of the '96 holiday season as well as retooling the entire "Sonic Xtreme" would have been worth it.

SEGA is the ONLY former console maker that exists. And I believe the reason why is because they will INDEED return to the console market. The conditions have become increasingly favorible. The video game industry is both stagnated and in decline. The Japanese game market is in a recession with both console and game sales remarkably slow and poor, there is huge skepticsm over Wii U with 3DS' lackluster preformance indicating that Nintendo could have a rough generation, Consumers are spending less and less on new boxed software and finally, SEGA is NOT really profiting from boxed software.(Which is why I doubt they will continue to publish multiplatform boxed IPs.)

For the past 2 years, SEGA has cut down siginificantly on publishing, now only publishing about a dozen titles a year. From thier lastest PDF, there is demand for another arcade board, perhaps RINGWAVE.


Re: Sega's going to make a new console? my thoughts

Post by MrSega »

In closing I would like to say that with Sony continuing to invest in a console that has taken so much losses, Nintendo expected to launch another underpowered system who's response has so far been lackluster and unexciting, with Mircosoft not set to launch Xbox Bulldozer until around 2013, with SEGASammy having returned to profit since 2009, the spotlight is shining on them to make a return to hardware business, the KIDSPAD trademark is a indicator that SEGA is looking to make another hardware run, like I said, SEGASammy's report indicated that there is demand for newer arcade hardware, with RINGWIDE and RINGEDGE now almost 3 years old, there could be another more powerful RING series board on the way within a year, perhaps "RINGWAVE" which may have a console to go along with it.

Say that SEGA were to support Wii U(I still doubt this) all indicators would show that support for the console would be extremely limited to maybe 2 or 3 titles a year, SEGA's 3rd party business structure of recent shows that. SEGA's 3rd party market is changing to nearly entirely digital. I see this as a sign as them eventually leaving the 3rd party business, so as long as they continue to report that there's little to no profit in overseas boxed IPs.

Posts: 156
Dreamcast Games you play Online: none except sonic adventure. I'm still a huge sega fan!

Re: Sega's going to make a new console? my thoughts

Post by Mephiles550 »

Yes the fisheye engine was very hard to program on And the saturn couldnt even use textures right? It relied on something else for The maps But the word(s) isn't in my head right now. But while the the sonic pool engine might have played great It will probably look bad...Look at the fisheye engine! sonic, the badniks, and rings are all 3d sprites and they look alot better then the sonic model uses in sonic jam or the 3d blast saturn special stages. Also I think the game should have been delayed a bit before the time the saturn was going to get scraped. Maybe up to early 1997 would have been good I guess.
Also Sonic X-treme was meant to be a unique oddstyle platformer and the fisheye engine would have made sure of that. In the end the saturn flopped in the West And I really just wanted It to have a memorable sonic game other then Sonic R which all that did was cause some rumor of a cursed doll. :lol:

Also I think Atari is still alive today but just BARELY and their not the same people as before or even have any of the original staff. Did you see the booth layout for E3 this year? atari had a very small booth but they were still there. I do agree though SEGA has been through hard times through since the saturn and they always pull through! People are slowly stopping to buy software mostly boxed software since there really isnt anything worth buying anymore! People still end up buying the really popular game franchises like COD, Halo, and some of nintendos franchises.

Sega has become very popular in japan with the exception of sonic.(he's more popular in the west for some reason) Hell I think sega even made more money then nintendo there a few weeks back!

The wii has done VERY bad things for the video gaming market IMO. I only bought the wii for about 3 exclusives!(new super mario bros wii, sonic colors, and mario galaxy) Since the wii, microsoft and sony have been trying to grab all the wii fans with their own motion control gimmicks. The WII is the definition of the word gimmick and thats how most people are seeing it as. It's won the console war this gen but Over 65 percent of wii owners have barely even bothered to play the wii or their wii's are covered in dust! And microsoft and sony Are trying to get their hands on the people who like the wii with there own gimmicks! most people just want a regular controller! The wii is doing poorly and the playstation is doing...meh and the Xbox is doing good. The wii U looks even worse! It's mostly taking games that are being developed on another console and then porting them onto it's own system! If you have a ps3 or an X360 would you want to buy A console that probably cost's 450$ (look at what their putting on the thing!) and another 50 or 60$ just to buy the same game you can already get on your ps3/x360? also look at what games have been trademarked on it!


Re: Sega's going to make a new console? my thoughts

Post by MrSega »

The Saturn is perfectly capable of handling textures and backgrounds. Its just that the truth its a little complex. Saturn uses 2 graphic proccessors both capable of 3D while it used a seperate RAM processor for sprites and extra memory. You see until around 1997, the problem was that developers and programmers only used its main engine instead of both, because of this they would design 2D textures using its main graphic processor. Not realizing like the Japanese did that just programming 2D games using both the main processor and RAM processor was easier and cheaper to do, as a result. It was difficult to code 2D games outside of Japan. If STI had known what they were doing, the fisheye engine would have worked out. You see, Saturn used a different polygon engine than PS1 and N64. Qaudlateral which used a memory mechanism to push 3D sqaure polygons while PS1 and N64 used Trilateral, which just meant running texture mapping on slow running speed processing. N64 preformed faster and better than PS1, but because of the Trilateral, N64 was very slow in coding and programming. In fact, N64 was a pain in the ass to program. If anyone tries to argue that Saturn couldn't compete against N64 and wasn't 64-bit, show them an early demo of Shenmue running on Saturn. The visuals are so good that it looks like Model 3 arcade hardware and puts to shame any PS1 game. This is both processors working together showing the Saturn as capable of 64-bits.

As for Atari, they are dead. On March 21,2003 Atari Corporation filed for Chapter 7. French Publisher Inforgrames brought what was left of them and thier name.

As for Sonic R, it was a good idea just horribly executed. Sega Of Europe thought that they could step up to the plate and do a decent Sonic Saturn game. The game was short, glitchy,lame and unfun. The soundtrack was a mixed bag and does have its own charm.

SEGA is the only publisher in Japan who's software is profiting. Yazuka of the End topped the sales for 3 straight months and has sold over 2 million in Japan.

Posts: 156
Dreamcast Games you play Online: none except sonic adventure. I'm still a huge sega fan!

Re: Sega's going to make a new console? my thoughts

Post by Mephiles550 »

I saw the shenmue demo a while ago and it was really impressive! It should have been released to show what the system would do! The saturn is similar to the atari jaguar in a way. Since It wasn't as easy to make graphics as good as the N64 but it was POSSIBLE! They just had to try and they didn't do that with the saturn or the jaguar. The thing with the N64 is that it was basic how to get graphics like something similar to mario 64 or any other N64 title. Saturn was more complex. (Also my only problem with the jaguar is the marketing they gave it and the controller)
the problem was developers didnt even give the saturn a chance!

These are how game consoles work-

-Make console.
-have great advertisements like Segata sanshiro and have them in both the east AND west.
-have launch games.
-have some developers make more games.
-Make more good games.
-more people will want to buy it.
-More developers see opportunity.
-MORE games(good or otherwise) get released.
-More people will buy the console to buy the high amount of games released.
-Fire bernie golstien for saying that RPG's wouldnt work in america.

You have a good console here ladies and gentlemen!

and about sonic R Music wasnt much of a big problem to me Since I think you CAN turn off the lyrics. That was my main problem. Also the horrible drawl distance in the saturn version was fixed in the "sonic gens collection"

The game itself was just boring and there wasn't alot to do.


Re: Sega's going to make a new console? my thoughts

Post by MrSega »

Mephiles, The Atari Jaguar was a decent console it just was a headache to program because it was built with not one,not two, not three but 4 processors! Four 16-bit CPUs,two RAM processors, and 2 polygon 3D engines so when Atari was saying "Do the math." They weren't kidding! 16+16+16+16= 64-Bit.

The Jaguar was Atari's PS3. It was a console that had been in development for 6 years test marketed in November 1993 and launched in early 1994, it was expensive,confusing and annoying to program, and despite its promise it didn't have anything stellar to offer.

Jaguar begin development in 1988 and until 1991, it was originally going to be a dual 16-bit powerhouse system codenamed Panther which would have smoked the Genesis and SNES and would have been capable of 600 colors and would have been an extrordinary 2D machine and fierce contender against SEGA CD. Then in 1991, Atari added two extra proccessors to it to give it a 3D feel.

Jaguar like Saturn uses the Qaudlateral engine, but since the engine was the older NASA/Lockheed Martin from 1989, the processor runs much slower and is more primative. In actuality, when Jaguar is pushed to the limits, it looks like low res SEGA Model 2 hardware(Meaning slightly better looking than PS1). Since this was the case, most developers just used its RAM processors that could produce only sprites.Most publishers felt the console was too confusing to program so they just turned down support for it.

Jaguar CD was the final nail in the coffin for Atari, it sucked. It was defective and poorly made.

Bernie Stolar was and is an idiot. This moron actually hated RPGs?He also admitted that he felt the Saturn was a system that should have never been made. This asstard also pissed of EA and because of him, EA never supported Dreamcast! Thank God he was fired in the summer of 1999, though they should have fired him a long time ago.

Posts: 156
Dreamcast Games you play Online: none except sonic adventure. I'm still a huge sega fan!

Re: Sega's going to make a new console? my thoughts

Post by Mephiles550 »

I just noticed something about X-treme! you noticed how in some X-treme game footage and pics you would find these wierd diamond shaped objects? I remember seeing that sonic was supposed to go through a CHAIN of them! they all linked you to another one at a fast speed! like a certain...other game I know... ;)

skip to 0:52 to see it on the vid!



Re: Sega's going to make a new console? my thoughts

Post by MrSega »

I know, like"a little game that lets you fly around and do loops!"

Posts: 156
Dreamcast Games you play Online: none except sonic adventure. I'm still a huge sega fan!

Re: Sega's going to make a new console? my thoughts

Post by Mephiles550 »

MrSega wrote:I know, like"a little game that lets you fly around and do loops!"
MrSega wrote:I know, like"a little game that lets you fly around and do loops!"
Nights? lol I never played nights but I've seen plenty of gameplay of levels and the idea's are cool! Also wizeman's one of my favorite game characters :!:

But come on I automatically thought of sonic colors when I saw these diamond things :/ :roll:

coincidence? (probably I wish it was a reference that X-treme is still in sega's minds though)

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