my game on steam!

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Re: my game on steam greenlight

Post by androiddreamcast »

Will do

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segata sanshiro
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Re: my game on steam greenlight

Post by segata sanshiro »

A little bit more tuning done, called moto SP now :P If you already have it, check out the update, we need to stir the Leaderboards a bit.


Thanks guys!

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segata sanshiro
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Re: my game on steam greenlight

Post by segata sanshiro »

My favorite hobby as a teenager, besides video games was collecting video game magazines. I spent countless hours imagining how a game would be just by watching grainy screenshots. Today printed magazines are almost gone and seeing one in real life is very exciting. And even more exciting is seeing my own little game on one of the pages... a game magazine with my game on it? My life is complete now!

Thank you PC Guru guys from Hungary!


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segata sanshiro
Cracked LCD
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Re: my game on steam!

Post by segata sanshiro »

Hey guys, a little bit of self-promo. I'm preparing an update for September to lessen the pain of the new school year.
The graphics update (IBL) is for the PC, macOS, steamOS and Linux.

Here is the update info poster.

The Image Based Lighting thing gives deeper colors and overall better look.


Also updated the web page for next week

If you like what you're seeing and think its worth it, tell your friends and share the word... i'm doing this by myself, nobody else (like, no PR, advertising agencies, press releases, etc) :P

here is the FB and TW if you feel like it.

Thanks a lot!

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segata sanshiro
Cracked LCD
Posts: 410

Re: my game on steam!

Post by segata sanshiro »

September is here, or should i say 32th of August?

The biggest update is the image based lighting giving a much softer and deeper look to the whole game!

Collectible trading cards have been added (cards, badges, foil badge, profile backgrounds, emoticons...)

33% off the Steam price for the first couple of weeks (bringing it down to $2) active since 10am today!

Since the Desktop version is so far ahead now the iOS and Android versions are now free forever. They still have their own charm, so if you want to play on the go, try the LCD game or just enjoy the music for a while, visit the mobile stores.

Thank you all for the support and for playing!!

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Re: my game on steam!

Post by Anthony817 »

Wow impressive! I am also making a game sort of and trying my hand at making a stand alone Battlefield 2 mod into a true game. It is based on a subject nobody really ever makes games on, the 1950-53 conflict that almost turned into WWIII war called the Korean war.


Project Reality has helped me out a lot and we are aiming to be realistic yet still accessible for people turned off by mil-sims.

Anyways, enough about my game. I will check out your game and I look forward to adding it to my Steam library!

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segata sanshiro
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Posts: 410

Re: my game on steam!

Post by segata sanshiro »

Hey Anthony817 that looks pretty impressive. All the luck man, and never give up (there will be times when you'll just want to throw away everything).

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Shark Patrol
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Re: my game on steam!

Post by Anthony817 »

Hey thanks. Yeah it is a huge labor of love, and there are some huge limitations with the BF2 engine, but we are trying to give the Korean War some much needed love in the gaming sphere. It really is called the "Forgotten War" and for good reason. Sandwiched between WW2 and Vietnam, it just doesn't get mentioned as much.

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segata sanshiro
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Re: my game on steam!

Post by segata sanshiro »

Where can i find more info on your game? Are you making art assets? models? textures? scripting? Im not familiar with the engine, are the maps BSP or normal geometry?

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Shark Patrol
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Re: my game on steam!

Post by Anthony817 »

Well, other people have created the 3D models over the years. So far it is basically myself and a friend of mine doing all the work from April of this year til now with help from others, and we are understaffed. We basically need our player models rigged and some weapons animated. That is basically all we lack to get a first release out. We already got Korean Voice actors and most weapons and vehicles were already exported to the game.

The maps get created in the BF2 Editor, and you can either import satellite geometry into the game to use real world locations, or shape the maps by hand.

If you want to speak more about it we do have a group for the project on Skype. You can find me on there with the user name Anthony 817 with space. I will admit, I only took over as the mod leader back in April so I am still learning things, the project had original devs but they abandoned it in 2009 due to nobody finishing rigging their player models and animating already finished weapons.

This place has a ton of tutorials. ... owforum=23

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