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Re: Resident Evil Code Veronica US Dreamcast 3D Models.

Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2023 6:41 pm
by Withintoluca
Sweet to see , code Veronica to be transformed into to other things

Re: Resident Evil Code Veronica US Dreamcast 3D Models.

Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2023 8:06 am
by Ryo_Hazuki
fafadou wrote:THere are some better models somewhere than we could import ?
I remember reading a review of the Game Cube version where improvements were reported in the main character models, especially in the shoulder and knee joints. But I'm not sure if the Dreamcast could support such models.
I don't know if there were any improvements to the models in the PS2 version.

A question about modifying the game:

Would it be possible to fix the camera above the character's shoulders?

Re: Resident Evil Code Veronica US Dreamcast 3D Models.

Posted: Sun Oct 29, 2023 4:31 am
by cbnj

Debug menu allows you to use FPS camera, probably modifying this camera cordenates the camera could be placed somewhere near the shoulder, or maybe there is even "attach camera to" opcode somewhere ...

since the last time i said i was to look up the opcodes for the game i dont touched the script again but i think i can post here what i found in those 30 minutes of experimentation about two weeks ago.

This opcodes are to be used as the starter codes followed by everything else in the script, altough i think i should first teach people how to handle CV files so they can also experiment, but ill put them here anyway

2000 Derender players
3A00 ???? is used in battle mode no visible change - probably setup game mode or flag someway.
4000 Look at Target followed by 000000 for input target xyz cordenates.
A000 Force map screen - cannot exit the map screen unless the opcode to cancel the force map screen is called or maybe a quantity of time in the next or following bits, not experimented whit this code at all to be honest.
CB00 Albinoid gas trap setup - This single opcode sets up a 45 seconds timer and calls all the necessary effects and animations for the gas trap to work and kill claire after time runs up (very awesome in fact), planned to use this opcode in battle mode to set up timed death, you take more than 45 seconds to kill the zombies and advance the next room = you die, exellent for a extreme battle mode, or a minigame, you need to input this opcode in every room for it to start over again, if you only input this code in one room the time keep running even after you swap rooms.
CD00 Jump to main menu - good for a gameplay mod trial release, to be used in the following room you will swap, when you enter that room game will send you to main menu screen.
CE00 Set first person view as soon you enter the room holding this opcode.- opcode to do the opposite still not found but i already think i know where to find it. (Cough.. the room whit the crane and box puzzle in airport...)
CF00 Set the battle game inventory for your actual character (the same opcode is used for all the characters since you can only play whit one character at time).
9500 Play BGM last 2 bits select song, range 00 to 78 hex for both discs, you can change the music in the room or put music in rooms where no music is present also call bgms not present in game if you add your custom adx music to the dummy files inside BGM.AFS and call them whit this opcode.

if someone can and want to help to find more opcodes i can write a guide about the quickest process to edit the rooms and build the gdi images "live" so you can keep playing while testing the opcodes or any other change in game you make.
decode the scd is the esiest part because you only input values and see what changed in game, no any kind of knoledge is required exept how to read the scd opcodes wich is very easy to understand, in 5 minutes you can master it. - okay okay maybe in 15 minutes.. but you get the idea.

Re: Resident Evil Code Veronica US Dreamcast 3D Models.

Posted: Sun Oct 29, 2023 5:37 pm
by fafadou
What is an opcode ?
what file your adresses you mentioned is please ?

Re: Resident Evil Code Veronica US Dreamcast 3D Models.

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2023 5:57 pm
by cbnj

Ill upload a tool to decompile/compile the game rooms and write a small guide about how to test the game opcodes to find the ingame functions using one of the cv skins image previews post, ill just finish the DOA2 skin guide first, so probly tomorrow this tool and the info is up.
Ill be back to cv models after that.

Re: Resident Evil Code Veronica US Dreamcast 3D Models.

Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2023 9:06 pm
by cbnj

The tool and a short guide is at CV mods post in the second repply, you can check it out anytime. ... 01#p180001

Re: Resident Evil Code Veronica US Dreamcast 3D Models.

Posted: Mon Nov 06, 2023 9:36 am
by Tetress
if i had such skills to draw some 3d models, i would definitely make some game for dreamcast, or at least could mod some of my favorite games. Unfortunately right now my skills are far from being good, so i need to improve them and at least all i can do right now is to actually find some photos, like for example victorian frame vector and other and try to redraw them through Photoshop and other programs. Too bad i don't have strong skills

Re: Resident Evil Code Veronica US Dreamcast 3D Models.

Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2023 4:35 pm
by cbnj

If you know how to use photoshop, you can make some nice skins, every mod counts.

Re: Resident Evil Code Veronica US Dreamcast 3D Models.

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2023 2:43 pm
by Dirge Of Ram
BikerClaire50.jpg ... ire-disc-1

Biker Alyson Court CDI/GDI Added. Claire Redfield 50th today, she was one off those first voices heard when booted up my PS1 & Dreamcast back in the day.

Her Voice was my Mainstream came to all my Resident Evil. Only to be letdown by Capcom with that awful Revelations 2.

Re: Resident Evil Code Veronica US Dreamcast 3D Models.

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2023 5:39 pm
by Ryo_Hazuki
Is there a difference in character polygon count between real time and cut scenes?