Soul Calibur (Tips and Fighting strategies) Coming soon. WORK IN PROGRESS.

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Soul Calibur (Tips and Fighting strategies) Coming soon. WORK IN PROGRESS.

Post by beanboy »

Coming soon.

Soul Calibur is a game created by Bandai Namco, back in 1998. And was remade for the dreamcast many months later. This is a soulcalibur strategy guide. "Welcome, a stage, history!" 8-)

Kilik strategies

Kilik against Voldo: :shock:
One good way to deal with annoying Voldo players, is to keep him at mid and long range.
Use Kilik's forward+B stick thrust move to keep Voldo back. But don't overuse it, because Voldo players, after seeing you do that move over and over again, might start to expect it, and then they might parry or repel it, leaving you open to Voldo's attacks.

Use Down A+K at a distance, to unexpectedly surprise Voldo, since alot of people don't expect that move, to be used. And if it hits, it will knock Voldo to the floor.

Tips for dealing with Voldo lying down on the ground.
If Voldo does any move, that makes him lie down on the ground, a cheap thing to do, is use Kilik's down A+B move, to rapidly hit him multiple times on the groud. Then repeat it again. The crazy thing is, if Voldo tries to get up, he will get hit by all of the low attacks, which is not good for him.

Kilik's Forward B+K cart wheel move, is another good move to use on a grounded Voldo.
You can sometimes do one cartwheel into another, into another, preventing him from getting up.

PS: Testing right now. Stuff will appear in this post very soon. Work in progress. :D
Last edited by beanboy on Sun May 26, 2019 10:21 pm, edited 7 times in total.

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Re: Soul Calibur (Tips and Fighting strategies) Coming soon.

Post by Roareye »

Will this include the Japanese DLC and unlocks, or is it strategies specifically?

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Re: Soul Calibur (Tips and Fighting strategies) Coming soon.

Post by beanboy »

Roareye wrote:Will this include the Japanese DLC and unlocks, or is it strategies specifically?
Wooah! I will admit, I haven't played the Japanese version of soulcalibur, in a long time. :lol:

Japanese dlc? I've read about that. And some secret Voldo costume, that apparently, no one has seen yet.

Yeah, as time goes by, this topic will include, moveslists, strategies, unlockable stuff and other things. It'll take a while to post everything here. And I'm planning to put up a few small pics, and hopefully, if possible, some short vids too.

PS: Sorry I didn't respond sooner Roareye.

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Re: Soul Calibur (Tips and Fighting strategies) Coming soon.

Post by beanboy »

Xianghua Strategies:

Xianghua vs. Voldo

When fighting against cheap Voldo players, always keep calm and remember, that your moves are faster than his.

Voldo players love to use low attacks, especially his annoying low kick, so even if you don't expect it, always be prepared to block low.

Don't use moves with slow start ups often on Voldo, because then, he'll walk around them and attack you easily.

Work in progress.

Posts: 1249
Dreamcast Games you play Online: I haven't played any dreamcast games online yet.
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Re: Soul Calibur (Tips and Fighting strategies) Coming soon. WORK IN PROGRESS.

Post by beanboy »


Hwang vs. Voldo

Moves that quickly hit Voldo, when he is lying down, or on the ground
Downforward+B (Misses sometimes.)
Downback+K (misses sometimes.)
Down+A+K, K

Working in progress.
Last edited by beanboy on Mon May 27, 2019 5:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Posts: 1249
Dreamcast Games you play Online: I haven't played any dreamcast games online yet.
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Re: Soul Calibur (Tips and Fighting strategies) Coming soon. WORK IN PROGRESS.

Post by beanboy »


Sophitia vs. Voldo

Moves that quickly hit Voldo, when he is lying down, or on the ground:
Downback+A (This misses sometimes.)
B~A, B, B, B, B
Forward Forward + B
Downback+B or Crouching+B
Downforward + B (This misses sometimes.)
Back+B (Do this when your distance is almost close to Voldo.)
Up+A+B (Holding the A+B buttons, gives you the slower, charged up version.)

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Re: Soul Calibur (Tips and Fighting strategies) Coming soon. WORK IN PROGRESS.

Post by OGDCFAN99 »

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