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Look what I found on eBay today...

Posted: Sat Feb 01, 2020 5:39 pm
by killer-elite
It's a Iomega 100 with a Dreamcast Label on it...the guy selling it sold a second one for $50 you guys think its legit or maybe the guy just made some custom labels to make a quick buck...FYI the label is dead on with the pictures of the prototype that has been floating around the internet since forever.... ... %7Ciid%3A1

Re: Look what I found on eBay today...

Posted: Sat Feb 01, 2020 6:23 pm
by Anthony817
It certainly appears legit to me. There were actually 3 known prototypes of the zip drive addons made themselves. It is unknown how many of the actual zip discs were made.

Re: Look what I found on eBay today...

Posted: Sat Feb 01, 2020 6:26 pm
by pcwzrd13
I mean they exist and it looks legit. I don't think Iomega made disks in that particular shade of orange so you would have to do a lot more than just print a label to make a fake. Will be interesting to see what the auction ends at. Not sure where you saw that $50 one as I don't see any recent sold listings from him or any other seller. I've never seen one for sale myself.

Re: Look what I found on eBay today...

Posted: Sat Feb 01, 2020 6:44 pm
by killer-elite
Well I say its a second listing being that I offered $10 bucks the first time around and soon after I got a message on my phone that the listing ended with a offer of $50 bucks... here's the link from the other listing, maybe its the same one, just relisted??? ... ... true&rt=nc

Re: Look what I found on eBay today...

Posted: Sun Feb 02, 2020 11:56 pm
by The-Amazing-Mr_V
Pretty cool peice of dreamcast history if it's legit. If not at least it would look cool on a shelf with the zip drive I guess.

Re: Look what I found on eBay today...

Posted: Mon Feb 03, 2020 12:50 am
by Anthony817
By the way, if anybody wanted to make a mock-up Zip Drive addon for the Dreamcast, you could purchase a broken karaoke addon, and gut it, and put a real zip drive inside it as the zip drives fit inside of the slot where the control panel for the karaoke unit were. In fact an old member here by the name of Spinksy made one back a decade ago here.

Sorry for the low quality, I didn't have the foresight to save it when it was still available full quality, I had to steal it from Google thumbnails, but here is all we got.


He gutted the Zip drive too. My idea was to use this with the IDE HDD mod and stick it inside the thing. But now there are bettter solutions, such as the widely available GDEMU which I have now.

But if you ever wanted to make one, I believe the zip drive he used was an old Panasonic one for the PC. That fit exactly in the space that the karaoke unit took up, leading me to believe the shell was meant to be used for both devices and happened to be made to fit both of them. All they had to do was build to scale of the zip drive, and make the karaoke bits fit into the same space, which they did.

You can see he even added the USB looking slot on the side the official prototype had. I used to want to have a Y splitter USB cable inside a modded unity like that connected to a HDD for quick access for putting games on it.

As you can see, a zip drive is the same width as the inside control panel section of the karaoke unit.



Iomega did say the Dreamcast Zip Drive was exactly the same as a PC one internally with only a few "tweaks".

Re: Look what I found on eBay today...

Posted: Mon Feb 03, 2020 2:31 am
by dreamcast ™
Look at the bottom of the back of the disk. Embedded in the plastic it says "(C) Iomega 1994." Different colored ZIP disks were available, including orange, so I suppose it's possible one of those was used for the prototype before creating new orange disks with updated molds. It also means anyone else with access to an original orange ZIP disk and a printer could make a "prototype Dreamcast ZIP disk". The seller only has 6 feedback, so that alone is questionable.

Re: Look what I found on eBay today...

Posted: Mon Feb 03, 2020 2:44 am
by Ian Micheal
The zip drive is the same but the bios for it was not to talk to the dreamcast Some where i read the disks formated in the proto type did not work on the pc after

Re: Look what I found on eBay today...

Posted: Mon Feb 03, 2020 7:51 pm
by The-Amazing-Mr_V
I would love it if someone would 3d print an addons base like this for the raspberry pi and line voltage inducer. It would be an awesome way to store it all.

Re: Look what I found on eBay today...

Posted: Mon Feb 03, 2020 8:27 pm
by Anthony817
Hell yes it would!