The Shenmue 1 and 2 HD remaster we always wanted is happening!

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The Shenmue 1 and 2 HD remaster we always wanted is happening!

Post by Anthony817 »

I haven't spent much time over at Shenmue Dojo for quite a while now, so only just seen this. I actually saw this news over at IGN while looking for a news article on the upcoming 2021 leak/release of the Goldeneye 007 XBLA remaster that was canned. Anyways, this is really fantastic news. There is a project the community is working on which will port all assets form a legally owned Shenmue 1 and 2 collection from Steam, and use these files in Unreal Engine 4, the same engine that Shenmue 3 is in. It even has libretro backend in it for playing emulated games. So imagine using the full power of retroarch and going to Ryo's TV and pulling out the Saturn and playing actual Saturn games form inside Shenmue 1. This also means the possibility for more arcades. They are going to even be using the actual game logic from the originals and working it into the new UE4 version to truly give us the same games we always loved in the new engine.

Some other exciting things that are already done are the merging of all interiors and exterior sections of the games into 1 seamless world. So no more loading screens, you can freely walk around the world. Honestly I am speechless, it is really going to be super awesome. If anybody wants to check it out the original thread is below. I will leave you with the images from the project to finish it off. ... tion.3426/


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Re: The Shenmue 1 and 2 HD remaster we always wanted is happening!

Post by beanboy »

Wow! All of that cool stuff is going on?
Thanks for the news Anthony.

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Shark Patrol
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Location: Fort Worth, Texas

Re: The Shenmue 1 and 2 HD remaster we always wanted is happening!

Post by Anthony817 »

Yeah pretty mind blowing that they are rebuilding it in UE4 same engine Shenmue 3 is in. So it could very well be possible to have all 3 games inside the same .exe eventually.

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Re: The Shenmue 1 and 2 HD remaster we always wanted is happening!

Post by Tekked »

That helps us save a lot of time!bubble shooter

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