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Basic DreamPi help

Posted: Sat Mar 20, 2021 8:48 pm
by tripletopper
Most of the help on dream pie assumes a lot of things which do not correspond to me.

1. Dream pie assumes your fastest connection is your home connection my fastest connection is my Cellular connection followed by a cellular specific hotspot.
2. Dream party assumes you have a PC I pretty much have everything but a PC in other words, a Mac, an Android and I could borrow someone's iPhone.
3. Dream pie assumes you know what to do in Unix. I have no idea what to do. I was told by everyone if you have to go into terminal on your Mac, then call technical support because even one slight Mis-stroked key could do something really unexpected, and cause permanent damage that would force a system reset on my Mac.

I got what I think is the most recent version of dream pie and it was a file that was loaded fairly quickly on my Android using cellular internet. If I had to rely on my home internet it would take an overnight session to load one gig. The file looks like a kind of format that is currently passive waiting to be activated by a command, but I'm not sure of that.

Any instructions on where to go from here?

Re: Basic DreamPi help

Posted: Sat Mar 20, 2021 11:32 pm
by Scrivani
Hey, maybe we can do it, part by part

Sorry bad english, I'm not native.

Some questions to know what to do:

1. Do you never got dreampi working?

2. Do you know how to access the RasbperryPi console?

3. Do you know you can see the Pi screen with HDMI + usb Keyboard for edit info? Or even remote access with SSH apps

4. Do you know how to configure your cell phone hotspot wi-fi into DreamPi with Wificonfig command?

I've already used my cell phone 4G signal, no problems, if it is a game that don't need ports/dmz config.

I think you just need to configure your cell phone wifi correctly into raspberry, and then figure out if your USB Modem have the correct line voltage simulator, and if your Dreamcast setup is ok.