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EXCLUSIVE: Sega Saturn, Saatchi's and a Timebomb

Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2022 4:11 pm
by Roareye
EXCLUSIVE: Formula Karts - The Tune, The Kart and the Saatchi

The song "Timebomb" was first released by Sam Brown in 2000, but implausibly the track first appeared three years earlier hidden on a Saturn and Playstation game called Formula Karts. Investigating the mystery led to an unexpected connection with the renowned Saatchi family.


Hey guys. I've been here a while, doing different things. One of my main focusses lately has been my podcast series VGMP, reviewing various video game movies and adaptations. Part of this has included doing Articles, including this exclusive bit of research.

I actually completed this research in 2014 (as seen in some of the screengrabs between myself and Saatchi), however the several site owners within the Sonic community I offered it to refused to publish it due to growing tensions and splitting within that community (that led to me leaving it altogether). With VGMP, I finally have an outlet to publish the story, so I hope you all enjoy it.