A friend and I RE'd the KDDI Capcom games but ran into a hardware roadblock. Here's how 15+ games could come back online

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Re: A friend and I RE'd the KDDI Capcom games but ran into a hardware roadblock. Here's how 15+ games could come back on

Post by dude2207 »

Xiden wrote:
ioncannon wrote:Thanks! Yeah, it seems the KDDI stuff is coming along DreamPi wise. I'll rewrite the server itself proper once we can get the post-battle data to appear. Current implementation is something I hacked together after initial research was done using DummyServer (same tiny app I am using for the LobbyEngine stuff).

Need to get myself a DreamPi to get in on the action haha.
Just wanted to mention here as I did on Daytona that I have webmaster access to dreampipe. If you want, I can add links to our existing site dricas game pages to your registration site to make the setup process easier so it can be done in game and allow users to download the capcom net file for their vmu.

The only one I have restored is Street Fighter Alpha 3, but I can add a registration link to it that points to your site to get the needed vmi.
Once I get Net De Tennis site up I can do the same for it.

This wont be added of course until you guys are ready for me to :)
Will DM some stuff on discord.

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Re: A friend and I RE'd the KDDI Capcom games but ran into a hardware roadblock. Here's how 15+ games could come back on

Post by SDSantosFerreira »

The Dreamcast version of Capcom vs SNK 2 - Millionaire Fighting 2001 has multiplayer online crossplay with the ps2 counterpart (japanese version only), when the original servers were online. Luckily the CVS2 of PS2 don't have that security method to play games online on PS2 called "DNAS" i think its because the game was released before DNAS even existed. Both DC and PS2 is dial-up only, not compatible with bba. The PS2 version need a special dial-up modem (ASCII modem for ex) that you connect on the USB input of PS2 (or the Fat PS3 launch model with 4 usb that has backwards compatibility with ps2 physical games) to work online, at least for the PS2 units that doesn't have a RJ11 input. How would the crossplay work and how to setup the PS2 for this? If you guys bring back the dreamcast version online again, the PS2 version would work automatically as well? Or need to be reverse enginereed too?
CVSMF2001 DC and P22 Crossplay advertisement.
CVSMF2001 DC and P22 Crossplay advertisement.

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Re: A friend and I RE'd the KDDI Capcom games but ran into a hardware roadblock. Here's how 15+ games could come back on

Post by ioncannon »

Dude was looking at this. We were able to get it to get as far as doing a DNS lookup.

Most likely the servers are the same as the Gundam ones.

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Re: A friend and I RE'd the KDDI Capcom games but ran into a hardware roadblock. Here's how 15+ games could come back on

Post by anti »

Has there been any progress on this? :)

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Re: A friend and I RE'd the KDDI Capcom games but ran into a hardware roadblock. Here's how 15+ games could come back on

Post by thaIllsburyFlowboy »

dude2207 wrote:Hello there! I'm dude22072, and back in November along with my friend Ioncannon we reverse engineered the Capcom fighting games that used the KDDI service. However, we ran into a roadblock that seemingly can only be solved with creating new hardware to work alongside DreamPi setups. After not touching it for months we figured it would probably be best to post the work we've done to the wider community, both for the sake of documentation and as a call for assistance in solving this roadblock. Here's what we've discovered and how you can potentially help.

Capcom Direct
This is the name that Capcom gave to their service that was used across 15 games. All of the game that use this service have a singled shared configuration file (referred to as the "NET File", saved as "CAP_NET_.NET") that stores a nickname, a user ID, ZIP code, a phone number (more on this later), and your limit as to how much you're willing to spend per month on the service (it cost 13yen/minute while you were in a match). When filling out the information and attempting to connect to the server to register it instead of the dreamcast dialing your ISP it will instead specifically dial the number "186005363011102". When using a DreamPi setup we could not get it to connect to our server emulator, however when using an old Windows XP machine with Internet Connection Sharing and a dial-in interface setup it connected and was able the create the NET File without any issues. Maybe the game is looking for something Windows specific? Maybe the DreamPi isn't emulating something properly? Ion also had issues with it not working over his PortMaster setup so it would seemingly be the former. Whatever the issue may be there, we now have our NET File and can move on to actually connecting to Capcom Direct.
Now, the Capcom Direct service was simply the matchmaking, lobby, and ranking side of things, and actual matches would take place over the KDDI network. After going through the matchmaking process it is decided who will be on the P1 side and who will be on the P2 side and this information is sent to the two players, along with the phone number the players setup in their respective NET Files. After this the dreamcast disconnects from your ISP. One player's dreamcast enters a mode waiting for the phone line to ring, while the other player's dreamcast attempts to dial the number previous sent to them. This opens a direct serial connection between the two dreamcast modems rather than the PPP connection that is used to connect to an ISP/DreamPi. After the match takes place both players disconnect from each other and reconnect to their ISP to report the results of the match to the server.

The Roadblock
So why exactly would we need some new hardware for this? Well, the issue comes from one of the dreamcasts waiting for the phone line to ring. This is because a phone line ringing is not a simple DC signal or a sound that could be played from the modem like DreamPi does with the dial tone, instead a phone line ringing is actually caused by a 20Hz 90v RMS AC signal (North American standard). So the roadblock becomes: 1) how do we generate this signal, 2) how do we determine when the dreamcast has answer the line to stop generating the signal, and 3) how do we actually connect the two dreamcasts directly together without an ISP in-between. One theory I had was to take two Subscriber Line Interface Circuit (SLIC) chips and just connect the TX/RX of them to each other and to connect the Ring Enable/Ring Signal/Off Hook Signal to the RPi's GPIO pins to generate the ring and detect when the dreamcast had answered. The specific chips I was looking at were the "Ag1171S" chips from Silvertel, however due to them being a low need product or simply supply issues from current world events they have a lead time of 29 weeks on them. If you ordered one off of mouser today it wouldn't show up until December. I'm unsure if simply going the old route of using a Phone Line Simulator would be enough, but even if it is discovering a cheaper option would probably be preferred by most people. As for solving the third issue I mentioned, it could be as simple as having the user pre-register with the service to generate a unique number to use as the phone number during the dreamcast signup process, and then having another service running on the DreamPi (a la DCVoip, DCGameSpy, etc) to deal with handling the connection between the two by connecting to the service and establishing a P2P connection between the DreamPis accordingly, and then potentially using some sort of Serial over TCP connection to get the two modems talking to each other.

So that's where things currently stand. Solving this hardware issue (which personally I'd love for it to be called something like "DreamPi-Direct") would be useful not just for Capcom games, but for ALL games that use the KDDI service, which is a decent number of the still currently offline games (hence the "15+" in the title). The source of our Capcom Direct emulator is publicly available on GitHub (iirc there's an issue with the build not making an NLOG config file so throw one in the output directory after building). Everything about registering and using the lobby was tested to work except for reporting the results of the match back to the server as we could never get into a match without solving the ringing issue. Also shoutouts to pcwzrd13, kazade, and shuouma. We had an email chain with them at one point to discuss how the Gundam server worked due to how similar it is to the Capcom service, even if we weren't able to use much of it in the end. And finally here's an imgur album of some images Ion took while working on the server to show that it does indeed work with a real dreamcast.
Hi dude2207, I haven't read this entire thread (search yielded nothing) but if I can pick up the Silvertel chips or do anything else to make this happen, please let me know.

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Re: A friend and I RE'd the KDDI Capcom games but ran into a hardware roadblock. Here's how 15+ games could come back on

Post by Bp902 »

I reckon this would also be possible for the PS2, possibly even slightly easier than the Dreamcast counterparts online. MVC2 and CVS2 on the PS2 came with USB modems and luckily the hardware is still out there, sometimes you can find it on Ebay. Has anyone looked at reverse engineering or reviving the PS2 ports online for Marvel vs Capcom 2 and CVS2? I'd also be curious to see the Dreamcast versions go online

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Re: A friend and I RE'd the KDDI Capcom games but ran into a hardware roadblock. Here's how 15+ games could come back on

Post by OniKuno »

I would love to see this working, love to try out dreamcast games online especially capcom, kddi, keep up the good work!

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Re: A friend and I RE'd the KDDI Capcom games but ran into a hardware roadblock. Here's how 15+ games could come back on

Post by SEGA RPG FAN »

Based on my observations (I know nothing of the actual game code) with Net Tennis, the game doesn't appear to have a robust syncing mechanism. Once the two sides get out of sync, they stay out of sync and that's a big problem that could potentially be fatal.
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Re: A friend and I RE'd the KDDI Capcom games but ran into a hardware roadblock. Here's how 15+ games could come back on

Post by fraggle200 »

ioncannon wrote:Dude was looking at this. We were able to get it to get as far as doing a DNS lookup.

Most likely the servers are the same as the Gundam ones.
a year on, any update?

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Re: A friend and I RE'd the KDDI Capcom games but ran into a hardware roadblock. Here's how 15+ games could come back on

Post by namine207 »

I’m also curious if there have been any updates on this.

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