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Tutorial: How to create your own ScummVM discs.

Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2010 9:26 am
by -Pi-
How to make your own Scummvm discs.


Needed files/tools:

Download the latest Stable version plainfiles here. -

Code: Select all

Download the latest SVN version plainfiles here. -

Code: Select all
(7zip will extract the '.BZ2', and then the '.TAR')

If the game you want to create has any cd-da audio, and/or speech, you may wan't to download the compression tools for Windows here -

Code: Select all
(Remember the DC build only supports MP3 compression)

For creating the disc image use Bootdreams. -

Code: Select all
To find what data files from the game's floppy, cd, or installer are needed go to this page. -

Code: Select all
- It will also tell you if there is audio that could be compressed.


Adding the game(s):

Extract the scummvm plainfiles to it's own directory, leaving you with this. (Example using 'SCMVM' as base folder)
The '.PLG' files are the game engine plugins, and are required for that game engine. For instance the game 'Secret of Monkey Island' uses the SCUMM engine, so you'll need SCUMM.PLG present at the root cd/folder.

Look up the games here on the wiki to find what plugin are needed for them. - - Just search for the title.

Delete any plugins (.PLG) not needed for the game(s) you'll be adding to the disc.

Add the required data files to the main folder, and keep them in their own subfolder, unless you're only adding one game. In that case you can add them to the root of the cd/folder. Example - 'SCMVM\SamNMax', 'SCMVM\Monkey', etc...


Creating the image:

Install Bootdreams, and start it up.

For best results try making a 'CDI' image.

Browse to the main folder. Example - 'SCMVM'.

Change the CD label if you wish.

I've had the best results with the Audio/Data format.

Under 'Extra ~ ISO settings' make sure all options are selected.

Under 'Extra - Dummy file' select 650MB, or 700MB dummy range, depending on your cd-rs.

Hit the 'Process' button.

Select the main binary 'SCUMMVM.BIN', or rename it ahead of time to '1st_read.bin'.

Select yes to 'IP.BIN' creation, and if asked choose 'yes' to 'fix' IP.BIN pointing at wrong binary.

Choose where to save the file.

When the image is finished, burn it with the app of your choice.


Alternative image creation:

Install Bootdreams, and start it up.

For best results try making a 'CDI' image.

Browse to the main folder. Example - 'SCMVM'.

Change the CD label if you wish.

I've had the best results with the Audio/Data format.

Under 'Extra ~ ISO settings' make sure all options are selected.

Under 'Extra - Dummy file' select 650MB, or 700MB dummy range, depending on your cd-rs.

Hit the 'Process' button.

Select the main binary 'SCUMMVM.BIN', or rename it ahead of time to '1st_read.bin'.

Select yes to 'IP.BIN' creation, and if asked choose 'yes' to 'fix' IP.BIN pointing at wrong binary.

Close Bootdreams without saving the image.

Rename your main folder to 'data'. Example - 'SCMVM' to 'data'.

Place that 'data' folder into the Bootdream's 'tools' subfolder. (Bootdreams\tools\data)

Create a text file, and paste this into it.

Code: Select all

@echo off
echo Do you want to build Dreamcast image?
mkisofs -C 0,11702 -V <Your volume name> -G data\IP.BIN -r -J -sort sort.txt -l -o data.iso data
CDI4DC data.iso <Your CDI name here>.cdi
echo Exit, and close.
Save it, and then rename it with a '.BAT' extension replacing the '.txt' one.

In the bat file replace the '<>' brackets entries with your names (no spaces).

Create a ordered sort list text, example 'list.txt', for the LBA structure, and place it into the 'Bootdreams\tools' folder.

Google 'mkisofs sort list' to find how it works.

The sort text allows you to place certain files, like audio/video, closer the the faster read, outer portion of the cd-rs. This can marginally improve game load times, or performance.

Lasty run the '.bat' file you created.

Burn the image when it's complete with the app of your choice.


- Pi.

Re: Tutorial: How to create your own ScummVM discs.

Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2010 9:46 pm
by Impulse
Great tutorial. I added a link to this in the Ultimate Dreamcast FAQ.

Thanks, Pi.

Re: Tutorial: How to create your own ScummVM discs.

Posted: Fri Feb 19, 2010 4:04 pm
by Radkin
Wow, this is great! Thank you very much.

Re: Tutorial: How to create your own ScummVM discs.

Posted: Tue Sep 07, 2010 6:17 am
by Outrunner
What is a ScummVM disk? :?:

Re: Tutorial: How to create your own ScummVM discs.

Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2010 5:41 pm
by Br4mb0
Someone can make a cdi of Full Trottle plz ?

Re: Tutorial: How to create your own ScummVM discs.

Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2010 5:48 pm
by TeamXlink
Outrunner wrote:What is a ScummVM disk? :?:
Its an interpreter designed to run Lucas Art point and click adventure games.

Re: Tutorial: How to create your own ScummVM discs.

Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2010 7:50 pm
by Neohound
TeamXlink wrote:
Outrunner wrote:What is a ScummVM disk? :?:
Its an interpreter designed to run Lucas Art point and click adventure games.
Does this mean I could run the Broken Sword games on DC ? I hope it does 8-)

Re: Tutorial: How to create your own ScummVM discs.

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2011 8:33 am
by Whut-evar

Using this tutorial, I was finally able to create Dreamcast images (in general) in Linux (thru Wine).

The Bootdreams frontend always crashes on me at disc creation time, but the command line tools work like a charm. While BD doesn't finalize the DC images, it still works for creating the dummy file.

Note - You can use the Linux versions of cdrecord, and mkisofs instead of the BD Windows versions.

Re: Tutorial: How to create your own ScummVM discs.

Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2011 7:23 am
by SMiTH

Re: Tutorial: How to create your own ScummVM discs.

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2018 8:11 pm
by TuxTheWise
Very useful, even in 2018 :)