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Re: Dreamcast Dreamland - new Sega series - Jet Grind Radio - 8/31

Post by Vgesoterica »

bonus episodes time!

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Re: Dreamcast Dreamland - new Sega series - Rainbow Cotton in English! - 9/17

Post by Vgesoterica »

some of my fav games that didn't get their own episodes!

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Re: Dreamcast Dreamland - best of the rest - 9/24

Post by Vgesoterica »

go win!

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Shenmue 2 NTSC prototype - a celebration of it's release

Post by Vgesoterica »

Any time something this cool happens in the DC community I want to hype it up as much as possible. the more stuff like this that happens...the more stuff like this hopefully KEEPS happening in the future!

Cant wait to see what 2022 has in store for Dreamcast :)

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Re: Modding a Dremcast light gun with $1 trigger and making it arcade quality

Post by Furious_George »

Thanks for adding another project to the pile ha!

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Re: Shenmue 2 NTSC prototype - a celebration of it's release

Post by dkrazor »


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How Dreamcast almost released in 1996 and could have beaten PS2 - a true story - part 2! 12/17

Post by Vgesoterica »

Just how different it almost all was!

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Re: How Dreamcast almost released in 1996 and could have beaten PS2 - a true story - part 2! 12/17

Post by Vgesoterica »

Crazy Taxi!
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Re: How Dreamcast almost released in 1996 and could have beaten PS2 - a true story - part 2! 12/17

Post by cloofoofoo »

Vgesoterica wrote:

Just how different it almost all was!
Ehh i gotta disagree, all sega needed to do was wait 1 year and they pretty much would have a naomi 2 based dreamcast. Pretty much would have demolished even the next offering from 3do. Heck even existing ( but expensive solutions) like the more powerful sega hikaru would have been selected insfead of dc. That alone would have cut down some of graphics hype for ps2.

Regardless of this your suggestion would have probably dowb sega even quicker, over in our parts consumer were still reeling from genesis to 32x to saturn , with 32x and saturn receiving very little support. The market would have avoided the sega m2 like the plague if they caught a whiff that they would do a mid generation upgrade and still be inferior to gamecube and xbox.

Posts: 22

Re: How Dreamcast almost released in 1996 and could have beaten PS2 - a true story - part 2! 12/17

Post by azoo »

I definitely am in the camp that the Dreamcast should've waited one more year.

An international 9/9/99 launch not only could've made launching with NAOMI2-akin specs (like cloofoofoo said) but DVD drive manufacturing costs plummeted in between 1998 and '99, meaning they never would've needed to take the GD-ROM route. It also could've given Japan more time to warm up to the idea of a new Sega machine, since they were still down with Saturn for at least one more year. A year later launch just seems in hindsight like it would've been an infinitely better call.

Plus, If they did all that AND relented on the price range (letting it be $299) they could've probably afforded to do a little more, like add the mythical right analog stick like ol' Stolar used to go on about, and make a greater profit. I understand why they went for the "budget machine" angle, but it's not like it did them any good considering the Dreamcast still flopped and the PS2 selling at $299 sold gangbusters.

Anyways, I just don't think 1996 would've been a good time at all. That would've been three consoles Sega brought to market in less than three years; 32X in 1994, Saturn in 1994/95, and then this in '96. If you were to ask me, that just sounds like quickening the company's death! Not even to mention that the hardware wouldn't have been as good as even the DC we got by that time, and requiring an add-on to play next generation machines just makes this all seem like a perspective where neither we nor Sega learn anything from their biggest mistakes.

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