POSTAL: DIGITAL EDITION is now FREE direct from Publisher

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Re: POSTAL: DIGITAL EDITION is now FREE direct from Publisher

Post by deluxux »

"Did I know there was going to be an official digital release? No."

That's fucked up they didn't tell you.
Fuck Wave game studios

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Re: POSTAL: DIGITAL EDITION is now FREE direct from Publisher

Post by MastaG »

Let's just get naked and compare penises my fellow members!

Jk, thanks for everything Dan!
It's an awesome game and you did a great job.
It feels so nice to murder everyone on the map with all the various weapons!
I'm glad I got a chance to buy it :)

Sorry for not reading everything, but I still hope you do make a cut for every physical disc being sold!

Take care my friend and enjoy your little one!

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Re: POSTAL: DIGITAL EDITION is now FREE direct from Publisher

Post by deluxux »

I'd love a copy of the earlier version without Wave Studio logos and with the original KOS logos.

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Re: POSTAL: DIGITAL EDITION is now FREE direct from Publisher

Post by krovellium »

DanRedfield wrote:Oh for the love of... :roll:

- Did it suck to see it listed on a pirate site? Yes
- Did I know there was going to be an official digital release? No
- Am I over the moon about it being free? Not really - it was 18 months work, most of that on top of childcare, with an unplanned & intense crunch to make it commercial quality.
- Can I do anything about it? No
- Is it the main reason I decided to leave DC dev? No, there were multiple factors.
- Am I accepting donations? No, but thank you for the gesture.
- Am I done with gamedev? Not by a long shot.
- Is this my final word on the matter? Yes

Whether you buy the game or download it, I hope you enjoy it and that I've done the scene justice - coop mode is the best way to play it.
Now please, can we just draw a line under this and move on. I have a 13 month old to care for and my next game to make.

See you around my friends.
wear a red shirt if they’re forcing you to say this
on a serious note tho, i don’t understand why you aren’t accepting donations since
1: the game took 18 months of time you could otherwise spend with your baby
2: you’re raising the aforementioned baby

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Re: POSTAL: DIGITAL EDITION is now FREE direct from Publisher

Post by brunovieira90 »

I think I didn't quite understand the question discussed in this thread. Dan worked on the postcard port for Dreamcast. the publisher of the game decided to make an official and free digital release for all those who want to download it. the publisher doing this without telling Dan, meant that he did not receive the proper financial return for his hard work. however the publisher owns the distribution rights of this work obtained from the game's creators rights holders, and with that she can make the decision she wants even if it is morally questionable. if the company has this right, what is being discussed about people downloading the game officially from the publisher's website as they made it available? It's really frustrating and unfortunate that Dan has worked for 18 months and doesn't receive proper feedback from his work. however this would be a matter of debating how a company that is in the business of games for old consoles acts and treats people, and not of feeding hatred against those who officially downloaded. I was very sad to read that Dan was frustrated and maybe this episode was the last straw for the glass to overflow. and I would love for him to continue working on the dreamcast scene, but of course, he has his reasons for stepping back and I respect that too. after all, as I'm just a player, I also had to leave the forums and games for personal reasons, why couldn't he do the same? I hope the discussion itself is over. I've always liked the dreamcast community because I've been lucky enough to meet good people in it, and I've always had the impression that wue is one of the healthiest communities for older video games. so let's not spoil it guys after all we are all gathered here for the same taste in common for the same passion that are the games.

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Re: POSTAL: DIGITAL EDITION is now FREE direct from Publisher

Post by DanRedfield »

krovellium wrote:on a serious note tho, i don’t understand why you aren’t accepting donations
Because I brought home some money in royalties from the physical sales, so I didn't feel comfortable taking donations for something which is free.
Now, can we please just draw a line under this? I really have nothing further to say on the matter.

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Re: POSTAL: DIGITAL EDITION is now FREE direct from Publisher

Post by WAVE »

EDIT: This reply was made before Dan's final reply on the matter was posted, but was stuck in moderation.

This thread made for quite an upsetting read.

Firstly regarding the corruption. This was caused by our server not handling files over 512mb correctly, and this has now been fixed.

There appears to be a widespread belief that Dan is not being paid for his work. This is untrue.

Dan receives a royalty payment for *every* copy sold, as do Running with Scissors. It's not my place to reveal exact numbers on their behalf, but there is no NDA so both are free to talk publicly about financials if they wish.

We exist for the sole purpose of championing indie development, and have never taken a single penny in profit. 100% goes straight back into financially backing indie developers. We give the highest royalty of any publisher I know of, and I personally invested my life savings into our developer fund, specifically so that devs can dedicate their precious time to making these games for the world to enjoy.

The decision to release a free version was not ours, and was a stipulation from RWS. Without their blessing, this port could never have been released commercially, so we had no choice in the matter.

Had WAVE not been involved, this port would still have been released for free as was always their wishes. Postal has been freeware for over 5 years.

If there are things we can do better, I truly want to know. We are new to all of this, and want to do the best we can for our developer partners and Dreamcast fans alike.

Daniel @ WAVE

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Re: POSTAL: DIGITAL EDITION is now FREE direct from Publisher

Post by mistamontiel »

Why not 7z jus sliced the weight by half

Cheers for your kind work Redield

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Re: POSTAL: DIGITAL EDITION is now FREE direct from Publisher

Post by fafadou »

@Wave your answer is very important. There were things I didn't understand.
hope you still continue to work on dreamcast.

@Dan, words missing for congratulate and thank you enough. As you could see with the momentum of donations, the whole community is truly grateful.
If there is something we can do for keeping you with us and working on dreamcast, please tell us.

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Re: POSTAL: DIGITAL EDITION is now FREE direct from Publisher

Post by krovellium »

ok guys i can’t tell do we like wave or not

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