RECV US Dreamcast 3D Models Packs (By CBNJ)

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Re: Resident Evil Code Veronica US Dreamcast 3D Models.

Post by cbnj »


Thorically you can import any model you want from other DC games, (ive imported models from the ring an D2) but there are some things to Take in count, the envelope data if the models have one, the number and size of textures it uses, the bones quantity hierarchy since models whit diferent structure aminate very glitchi ant the quantity of poligons/vertex the new model uses.
There is limited memory to work whit and the game tends to suffer if any of this aspects gets overwhelmed. As much than code veronica can look simple at first glance every animated model is in reality 2 models in one, every char/enemy have 2 skeletons, 2 poligonal shapes and 2 sets of vertex tables, thats why the number of enemies looks limited in game, in a room whit 4 enemies there is actually 8 enemies plus the player this equals to 10 animated models in screen at same time, plus all the rooms models/polys/vertex tables and textures for all of this is a heavy load, thats why i choosed the simpler naomi zombie models to be the ones to use.
Thats also the reason why the cutscene rooms in code veronica are separate files from playable rooms and the game dont suffer from slowdowns, texture glitches or freeze ups.

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Re: Resident Evil Code Veronica US Dreamcast 3D Models.

Post by cloofoofoo »

cbnj wrote:fafadou

Thorically you can import any model you want from other DC games, (ive imported models from the ring an D2) but there are some things to Take in count, the envelope data if the models have one, the number and size of textures it uses, the bones quantity hierarchy since models whit diferent structure aminate very glitchi ant the quantity of poligons/vertex the new model uses.
There is limited memory to work whit and the game tends to suffer if any of this aspects gets overwhelmed. As much than code veronica can look simple at first glance every animated model is in reality 2 models in one, every char/enemy have 2 skeletons, 2 poligonal shapes and 2 sets of vertex tables, thats why the number of enemies looks limited in game, in a room whit 4 enemies there is actually 8 enemies plus the player this equals to 10 animated models in screen at same time, plus all the rooms models/polys/vertex tables and textures for all of this is a heavy load, thats why i choosed the simpler naomi zombie models to be the ones to use.
Thats also the reason why the cutscene rooms in code veronica are separate files from playable rooms and the game dont suffer from slowdowns, texture glitches or freeze ups.
Hmm that doesn't quite make sense. I get if has multiple copies of the same model in memory so things like morph targets or shape links or even lod but that doesn't mean they are both rendered at the same time. Just looking at nulldc vertex counte , though unreliable , pretty much shows it's not rendering that much at once.

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Re: Resident Evil Code Veronica US Dreamcast 3D Models.

Post by cbnj »


that is correct, not all of it renders at same time but gets processed and loaded into memory to call it when its needed, cv dont flush it memory when you swap rooms and everything from the previous rooms remains in memory in case the next room can need such data, also the rdx files and the sound files dont get acceses directly from disc as you play, they get uncompressed/copied into memory and read from there, ive made many experiments to chekout this and i can also supply some "unlocked" rooms of the game wich can show how the console suffer exesive slow downs when enabling even just minor hidden stuff in the room (not being rendered by default), in other hand if the target to play the game will be emulators then the things change since emulator allow a huge bunch more of stuff to be done than the console and even skip massive errors than make the console crash due powerful processing and wider meory limits (specially in newer emulators as flycast or redream), along my testing in the game ive made stuff in emulators than run okay even if the execution have errors but than crash the console if you try it there.
all the mods ive made (wich are not posted in this site yet) are aimed to console playing and i make them console friendly limiting the mod to the console capabilities. One example of this is a mod i made wich allow high res textures (512x512, 1024x1024) on the player models, but this eats console memory greatly, tough in emulator runs all fine (not using the already built in texture patcher the emus have for this since the goal was to make this directly in the game files) the game slows down horribly and crash in certain heavy load rooms by the lack of memory, 512x512 was the maximum aceptable resolution for console and still yet suffer slowsdowns very ofthen, for emu 1024x1024 runs no issue at all.

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Dirge Of Ram
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Re: Resident Evil Code Veronica US Dreamcast 3D Models.

Post by Dirge Of Ram »

Remain hopeful for GS2 Nemesis. Could be a high chance for the GS2 Lickers to appear around Rockfort Island & Antarctica too! I won't hype myself up here really looking forwards to seeing what you achieved on the console so far.

If you can make your mods available on GDI format as CV can be played on the SD Card Adaptor. Maximize CDI/GDI release for everyone to play oh with Widescreen Support to boot as well. Take time I know but I'm excited to play this already.

Posts: 293

Re: Resident Evil Code Veronica US Dreamcast 3D Models.

Post by cbnj »

Dirge Of Ram

The mods will be shared as lose files to be replaced/patched in the extracted folders from the GDIs, every user can install the mod they want this way, i will also share the downsampled video/audio files wich reduce size of the game to 560-600 mb each gdi image, the mods i have so far are mostly skins and fixed playable characters to replace claire in main game becuse claire have extra animations and model body parts the other characters dont, wich causes the game to freeze under certain specific circusntances if you play whit them, other than that i have some guides about how to modify the game files and i am experimenting whit the game script atm.
About enemies especific to gs2 this im not sure because the times i tried to import the enemie in game the game crash, maybe i can make the game to think is another enemy but their behavior problably wont be accurate.

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Re: Resident Evil Code Veronica US Dreamcast 3D Models.

Post by Ryo_Hazuki »

Is it possible to dream of a total conversion hack, like a RE1 for example?

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Re: Resident Evil Code Veronica US Dreamcast 3D Models.

Post by cbnj »


Taking out the actual disability to create new playable characters or enemy models, yes this can bedone, i alredy Know how to edit triggers, cámaras, camera zones, floors, how to change part of the effects, How to change enemy behaviour, how to modify boundaries , how to move and replace/swap 3d models in the rooms, how to setup cordenates for enemies and players, how to jump between rooms and call transición doors, how to modify event cámeras for cutscenes and in game events, mostly all game is decoded and modifiable now the only totally real unknow part yet is the game script, but i already started to dig in it, i consider this is the easiest part of the game to decode and thats why is the last part ill learn to modify, im sure in couple weeks the whole script for this game will be sorted out and ready. In 30 minutes of experimentation i alredy have the main structure and about 10 decoded opcodes, if the progress keeps this step soon we will be able to rewrite recv game to our taste.

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Re: Resident Evil Code Veronica US Dreamcast 3D Models.

Post by fafadou »

Whaouh we can almost build a new game.

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Re: Resident Evil Code Veronica US Dreamcast 3D Models.

Post by megavolt85 »

or transfer old RE parts to Dreamcast :!:

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Dirge Of Ram
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Re: Resident Evil Code Veronica US Dreamcast 3D Models.

Post by Dirge Of Ram »

Don't need any Soulless Remake on the Playstation 5 with no Alyson Court included from Capcom.

Now we can have Million New Overhauls available with Alyson Court at home on our Dreamcast forever!

No Pressure.

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