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Post by ceriux »

hi all, i was curious if someone could help me figure this out. as stated in my introduction thread i'm a hobbyist quake modder and id like to make something new for the community to play or just add to their collections.

the quake engine iv chosen to use (at least for the moment) is makaqu 1.3.1 however it doesnt come in cdi format. i was curious if anyone here could point me in the right direction to convert the files needed here to the cdi format.

makaqu was built for the dreamcast as far as i know its the most advanced port of quake on the dreamcast.

https://code.google.com/p/makaqu/ -link for anyone wanting to check it out.

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Re: quake-makaqu

Post by ceriux »

so to use the tools iv been seeing iv read that you have to download,install and make a VM because nothing past win XP is supported by the tools. is this true? or is there an up to date version of said tools i can use to make a bootable CDI?

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Re: quake-makaqu

Post by ceriux »

okay... so i installed the vm, got the tools to "work" and i keep getting this instead of the game loading up.. it just sits at this..
which on my actual dreamcast looks like crap and flickers (i'm assuming its because its trying to load it as a pal game)

the tools im talking about is called "fastboot" id really really appreciate some help with this. i'd also prefer if there was a way to get it to load as ntsc...

edit: iv also found a tool "bootdream" messing with that, no better results...

edit2: got it to load up quake finally! yet it crashes as soon as it loads..

edit3: Good news got it working. just have to figure out how to configure it properly. it only crashes on nulldc... works good on real dreamcast.

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Re: quake-makaqu


So if you have the source code to the quake 3 engine that means you can enable more than 4 players yeah? That is the source code for the quake 3 engine yeah?
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Re: quake-makaqu

Post by ceriux »

its the quake 1 engine and yeah I believe the source is available. as far as I know though multiplayer isn't working in the engine. from what I can tell though multiplayer may not be a good idea on it. the engine seems to need a lot of work. it runs decently but I could see it running way better. unfortunately I don't know C so I cant make any engine side optimizations. however maybe if I get a project going I might be able to attract an actual programmer who can update the engine both for performance and maybe add multiplayer.

only thing I can do at the moment is get my TC going and hope to attract someone. once I have a bit made and going ill put up a moddb profile and promote the game/tc as much as possible. maybe a programmer will find interest and we can get a new fun game to play on the dreamcast.

so far with what I have available to me and my current skill level I can make all custom models,maps,textures and game logic using the QC programming language.

so far all iv decided is ill probably make a wave survival game. think Nazi zombies but not...

one question I might ask is there any specific theme people here would prefer?

I'm thinking medieval fantasy , where you're defending a castle against waves of role playing game themed monsters. maybe have a character customization mechanic where as you fight against the waves of monsters you "level up" and can choose weapons or skills to help you survive . this would be playable for single player and if I'm able to attract said programmer would also be playable after he were to implement multiplayer.

how ever when it comes to fps games a lot of people prefer guns. if that's so I wouldn't mind doing something based around a theme with firearms.

should I make a separate thread for this?

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Re: quake-makaqu

Post by Jenkins »

I came up with the same idea a few years ago. The funny thing is I picked my project five weeks ago up again.

The DC version of Quake 3 was my first option - 4 player coop online. New maps, models, sounds and textures can be added without much effort. A few converter already exist. The only problem is that everything is stored in "q3_usa.bin". As long as the source code is not public you cannot even change a value in the cfg file...

The Half-Life engine works but did't came with any multiplayer part. A solid base but without the source, you can't change the feeling of the game.

After a little research I stumbled across a thread from PH3NOM at dcemulation (again). He currently ports the Quake 3 engine to Dreamcast and keeps it open source. This would be the best option I guess (at least for my project). Splitscreen coop already exists but no online capabilities atm.

@Ceriux: I'll pm you...
Last edited by Jenkins on Sun Dec 20, 2015 1:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: quake-makaqu

Post by ceriux »

yeah, heres the thing with quake 1 you're able to have the source code for both client and server side things readily available all content that works in quake 3 also works in quake 1. when it comes down to it id have to worry more about stability . plus i have no idea how to use the tools in quake 3. i can compile quake 3 models but that would be about it. i wouldnt be able to program any new features or make any new maps. so essentially we would be able to release a model/map pack.

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