Revolt Mod - In progress

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Shark Patrol
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Re: Revolt Mod - Help needed.

Post by Anthony817 »

RetroFox wrote:Tried it and it failed for me but for whatever reason windows search decided it knew where the selfboot pack I was given originally =D. Work will be slow but I have some ideas for GTA.

Edit: Tested a few ways and got it working, back in action!
odd problem though, No boot in NullDC - Does boot in chancast but chancast load any version of GTA to the menu so testing is screwed.
(null DC loads original CDI, but not the repacked .nrg)
Have you made any other progress with this? Perhaps we need a dedicated GTA 2 modding thread? Lots of talented people here lately that might could help you figure this stuff out.

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Ian Micheal
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Re: Revolt Mod - Help needed.

Post by Ian Micheal »

I give it a try my self could not get it to boot Sure it can be done The dc cars work in the pc version when i tryed there the same so a mod pak of cars should work on dc you would think

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Gold Lion
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Re: Revolt Mod - Help needed.

Post by fafadou »

For me there is also a little bug with radio in GTA2.

In the probably easy to patch wince games list, I'm thinking about resident evil 2, the pc version have better model. Probably a copy and paste should be enough :-)
The dreamcast of resident evil 2 is very good and appreciate because it's the only version with FMV in full screen without black bars.

Black Mesa
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Re: Revolt Mod - Help needed.

Post by SMiTH »

so what is the issue with revolt dc mod?
the .pvr files?
creating the .iso?

i was surprised by the amount of mods for revolt pc.
300 pages filled with mods for this game.

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Re: Revolt Mod - Help needed.

Post by Anthony817 »

I think he was having issues with the textures when importing brand new custom maps from PC. So sounds like .pvr issue if I recall correctly. He could add maps, but it used the wrong texture from stock maps I think? Been so damn long since this thread was created.

I guess in this picture he just used the custom car on the original stock map.


Black Mesa
Posts: 1497

Re: Revolt Mod - Help needed.

Post by SMiTH »

i wish all of the model/texture swapping threads @ schthack pso forums were still available.
there were tons of tools, tutorials, and modders there.
this info could help with modding many dc games.

more than likely retrofox would need to compare the stock pc textures to the stock dc textures in hex, to find what bytes need be changed to load them on dc.
most of the time that is the case.
not always.
but, i bet he already knows that.

i'm sure there are tons of tools available on the various revolt pc modding websites.
i doubt there are many differences between the pc and dc version of the game.

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Power Stone
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Re: Revolt Mod - Help needed.

Post by ShindouGo »


I hadn't seen this post.
Have you heard from the author?
I didn't know there was such a site to mod this game.
Do you know if there are any other games on Dreamcast that can be modded?

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Shark Patrol
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Re: Revolt Mod - Help needed.

Post by Anthony817 »

For sure GTA2 can be modded to some extent. But you know the big one, Half-Life, something like as dozen mods, most total conversions. Also, Windows CE games on Dreamcast have a high likelihood of being modable. 4X4 Evo is also another Windows CE game with as lot of modding potential.

Shenmue 1 and 2 had a few decent mods, but they weren't really advanced mods like adding new models to the game or something.

And unfortunately not heard from the author for a while. Still hoping something comes from all of this. Having Mario Cart characters in Revolt looked really great. :D

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Re: Revolt Mod - Help needed.

Post by RetroFox »

No way I remembered my login details lol.

Hello everyone, I recently been thinking about this and re-found my work folders ect.

The issue I was stuck on with Re-volt was textures displaying correctly
With gta2 I couldn't find where the textures were as adjusting the texture file (as per Pc) did nothing.
(gta - If you stick to the original level textures you can create whole new maps, scripts ect using the PC tools, drop and replace the result)

Some videos recently sparked thoughts on what Im doing wrong, I was adding no Mipmaps to the map textures... making things render strange. At the time I only had a very basic idea what Mipmaps even where.
You can kind of see textures trying to scale but not in my old videos... also weird speckling and other stuff.

I have found some good resources to read regarding PVR formats andim 100% sure producing the PVR files correctly is the route to making Re-volt fully mod-able (and super easy at that!)

Can anyone suggest a good toolset? Im aware that Sega used photoshop with plugins, what version of photoshop is compatible? (I remember when I was last working on PVR I had to virtualize windows 2000 lol)

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Re: Revolt Mod - Help needed.

Post by RetroFox »

So far I have managed to make what seem like perfect PVR files in WINPVR (mipmaps generated ect)
But im back to a familiar problem with getting this dang game to boot.

Whatever I said about generating an IP and using n bootdreams doesn't work ( I found evidence of me doing this on my drives but still no joy)

All I need is to be able to reliably make Disc images that'l boot in NullDC and then I can get back to work.
Can some one grab the CDI of replayers and create some kind of selfboot pack for it? Im completely stuck making broken disc images over and over.
(This and GTA are the only games iv ever experienced that just wont compile in bootdreams)

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