max pool paper tournement

Posts: 1

max pool paper tournement

Post by virtualnut »

hi, ive been a max pool player for 20yrs (pc version), although only occasionally for the past 8yrs due to personal circumstances, there are some old school players trying keeping this game active, with this day n age of gaming (3d & VR), not a lot of people play, so heres what im suggesting, ill post this on the max pool facebook page also so it covers both areas.

what i'll do :
Sunday May 30th - i'll organize a players choice tournement at 8pm GMT (you'll need to work out your own time zone)

what i need (message me on here or on the facebook page) :
a player name and number between 1 and 32 (number 13 is already allotted to broomy, thats a given, considering its the only number she chooses lol) (if there are players wishing to join, ill change the draw accordingly), there is no 1v2, 3v4 etc, the draw is totally random, worksheet is already set up to make it so.

my player name(s) is/are ǧ4§™, Çh®ï§™, Çáñ†§hòò†4§h, Ñ᧙ and Vïr†µá£Ñµ†cásê

I look forward to any participants or interactions



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Posts: 282

Re: max pool paper tournement

Post by Holsten »

i wish i had seen this earlier but if you are looking for players you might have better luck using the several discord servers. i organize different game sessions each week and discord is the way to go to find players.
Holsten knallt am dollsten.

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