Cannot get PS1 model 1001 to run games thru disc swap...

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Cannot get PS1 model 1001 to run games thru disc swap...

Post by bjankins1 »

Hey everyone I'm having an issue where when I try to use the disc swap method on my PS1, I cannot get any of my burned games to work, official PS1 disc on the other hand have no issues booting up, so I decided to see if my burned PS1 discs worked on bleem and they did, which was surprising to me, so what the heck could be going on? Could my disc drive be failing or could the sled rail issue with these models cause this

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Ian Micheal
Posts: 6058
Location: USA

Re: Cannot get PS1 model 1001 to run games thru disc swap...

Post by Ian Micheal »

Swap disk is all about timing on this better off using tonyhax only have to get that to work one time then can boot what ever

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