
Say Hi and introduce yourself to the forum here!
Posts: 2


Post by Nolbin »

Hello! It's cool to see such a thriving community for a console old enough to drink :D

I never had a DC as a kid, but I just bought one from a friend of mine, and it's been a treat (at least when the GDemu's decided to work - I think I'm missing one more screw to get it to sit more firmly in there so that it's more reliable.)

So far it's been mostly Crazy Taxi and Dolphin Blue, but I think I'd like to give Shenmue a try.


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Bob Dobbs
Sub Genius
Posts: 4393
Dreamcast Games you play Online: PSO, AFO, PBA, 4x4 Evo, IGP, Planet Ring and Max Pool
Location: USA

Re: Hi!

Post by Bob Dobbs »

Welcome! Shenmue is my favorite off-line game. I mostly play online games with the Dreamcast. As far as multiplayer at home, the family plays Looney Tunes Space Race, Fur Fighters and Sonic Shuffle, all 4 player games. The only other non-online game I play is IntelliMess, an Intellivision emulator for the Dreamcast.

I left out Beats Of Rage and Who Wants to Beat Up a Millionaire that my wife and I play.
Bob Dobbs