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Poll: How much do you like MDK 2?

No votes
2 (Why is this game on this planet?)
No votes
3 (I only found like one thing ok with this game)
No votes
4 (The game is shit...but playable)
No votes
5 (Average game...its ok)
6 (not bad of a game, i like it)
7 (Hey, now this game is pretty kick ass)
8 (Damn! this game is enjoyable, fun, and so worth my money)
9 (This game is near perfection! how can it get better then this)
No votes
10 (Chuck Norris approves of this game)
Total votes: 9

Posts: 45
Dreamcast Games you play Online: None yet, new to Dreamcast


Post by damaster4u »

Years ago I was walking around some random mall on some random day minding my own business. I walked into a game store and had myself a look at the games that were available. That’s when I saw a game for the PC with just 3 letters…M, D and K…MDK. I was confused, how do get away with naming a game just 3 letters? Well I picked it up and quickly went home to install it. I played it and all I could say was wow…that game was fun! Then some time later I got MDK 2 and it was as great as the first! Now I'm here after playing the DC version of MDK 2 and I have to say it’s more of a challenge on the DC.

Let’s dive right into the first topic, changes from the PC version. For one you can’t just save anywhere like you can on the PC version, you have to get to a checkpoint and from there it saves and you can just load it up later from that checkpoint. Of Corse, that makes this game just that much harder compared to the PC version. The 2nd change is the way the tutorial goes at the start of the game, of corse that’s a given because I'm sure telling Kurt to shoot with the right trigger on PC would lead to confusion. The 3rd is the voice acting. It seems that for a few characters, their voices sound different between the PC and DC version.

Now onto the characters. If you played the first game you already know Kurt Hectic, but in this game he is accompanied by his 2 crew mates and friends, Dr. Fluke Hawkins and Max. Kurt is a janitor on the Dr.’s ship, he is mild mannered and would rather be doing nothing or mopping up then saving the world. Dr. Fluke Hawkins is a mad scientist that was shunned by earth because of his crazy ideas and inventions, so he build the Jim Dandy and shot himself into space with Kurt at his side. Last but not least, Max. He is the 4 armed dog with a big attitude and very sharp wit. He is the type to shoot now and ask questions later, and that really shows when you are playing as him in the game.

Now we move onto the gameplay itself. For each character you play as you are given a different type of gameplay. When playing as Kurt you are always trying to find ways to get the drop on your enemy. Whether it’s taking them out from afar with the sniper scope or rushing in guns blazing, Kurt’s levels will always focus on gunning, sniping, stealth, and of corse the ever so famous parachute that you can use to ride wind currents up to higher places. When playing as the Dr. you are given more of a puzzle type of gameplay that focuses on combining stuff to help you progress and on occasion making weapons to save your very life. The Dr. is the weakest of them all to but he is the only one that can carry around health with him and use it at will. Finally we get to Max and his stages are just one thing, blow the fuck outa anything that stands in your way and make it to the end. His stages are fun and just usually require you to just shoot run, shoot, run, shoot, and run until you make it to the end of the stage.

Onto sounds and music. There’s not much to say in this section other then that the music fits very well with the game and the sounds are pretty cool to. Personally I love the theme music for the game that plays at the start menu and sometimes in Max’s levels. The rest of the music is memorable and amazing as well, but when I think MDK 2, that’s the song that first comes to mind.

Overall this game is a must for people that love a little mix of gameplay in their games. Stealth, Brute force, and puzzle gameplay are nailed near perfectly in this game and I really recommend you play this ASAP but don’t expect this to be an easy ride. This game can get downright HARD sometimes. Especially the very final level of the game that expects you to beat the level from start to finish with NO CHECKPOINTS. If you by any chance don’t have a DC (and really if you’re here and you don’t then wtf are you doing here?!) then I also recommend the PC version as well because it’s the same game, but made easier because you can save at any point you want.

Sound: 7 (good sounds, not complaining)

Music: 7 (other than the menu music and 4 other songs, I don’t really find the music in this game memorable, but it doesn’t mean it’s bad)

Gameplay: 9 (It gives you 3 types of gameplay that is nailed down almost perfectly, what more can you ask for?!...other then MDK 3 PLEASEEE)

Graphics: 8 (I found MDK 2 on the DC looking pretty much the same to the computer, and even to this day I can say that these graphics are downright awesome)

Replay value: 4 (You beat it but that’s it, there’s nothing to go back for other then secrets you might have missed like the secret castle, or just to play a few parts you thought were fun)

Overall: 7 (This is a very fun game regardless of the replay value to it. You might not play it again right away but there are times where I remember playing the game months back or a year ago and I'm like “Damn I loved that game…I'm going to play it again” and I do. I'm sure it will happen to you to)

Final thought: You know I heard that Interplay, the company that made MDK, is going to reboot the series! I really hope they do and make a new game. Anyone agree for MDK 3? Next review is going to be a crappy game...and boy is it bad...really bad
