Vindictus (PSO-like MMO)

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dark night
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Vindictus (PSO-like MMO)

Post by Siku »

Hey everyone, I recently started to play a Free2Play MMO called "Vindictus". Which at the core mechanics gameplay-wise reminds me of PSO. I know there are some PSO vets on here so I figured I'd at least let you all know of it's existence. I'm extremely addicted to it myself. I plan on playing this until PSO2's release. Just like PSO, you have a town with channels (lobbies) that everyone meets up in and then you can join boats (rooms) of 4. Except if it's a raid then it's rooms of 8. And on those boats you run dungeons. The game is very gamepad friendly. Using my PS3 controller on it atm, and hooked up my 8 year old gamepad to my other PC for a friend to play with.

Of course this is more medieval themed and not futuristic like PSO. The ONLY downside I have with this game is that the rooms/boats are P2P.

Anotherwords, if the host of the room has horrible internet you will lag but the bars on the left tell you if it's a good connection before launching the boat, you can simply just leave if its a bad host. Which honestly happens to me maybe 1 in every 20 dungeon runs. Not that often. It's mostly people with VPN/proxy in other countries trying to host. Which brings on another point... Unfortunately this game at the moment is ONLY for North Americans and Koreans. Other countries are IP banned so in order to play you'll need to use a proxy or VPN.

It's made off of Valve's source engine which means it can be run on majority of modern computers. I got it to work on some integrated graphics' laptops on low settings.

Unlike most Free2Play MMOs this one actually has potential imo and has content added to it constantly. Every month lately, and not small content updates. Entire new dungeons, enemies, armor sets, etc. I'll let the gameplay and trailers do the rest of the talking :


This is a new character class that's going to be on June 15th :

Official Website :

If interested, my IGN is "Siku". East Server. Feel free to drop me an invite. I'll be more than happy to help out any DCTers.
--> My YouTube - PSO Texture Edits * PSO Character : Siku (HUmar, Skyly) Lvl 116 *

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Re: Vindictus (PSO-like MMO)

Post by game_player_s »

Siku wrote:The ONLY downside I have with this game is that the rooms/boats are P2P.

Anotherwords, if the host of the room has horrible internet you will lag...
And if the host has a network virus, so do you! :geek:
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dark night
Posts: 55
Location: Brooklyn, NY

Re: Vindictus (PSO-like MMO)

Post by Siku »

game_player_s wrote:
Siku wrote:The ONLY downside I have with this game is that the rooms/boats are P2P.

Anotherwords, if the host of the room has horrible internet you will lag...
And if the host has a network virus, so do you! :geek:
Lol, your right. But this is like saying... Hey don't go outside or else you risk getting AIDs randomly pricking yourself with a dirty needle. Hearing about Network viruses is a very rare occurrence with anything besides web servers and highly populated P2P file sharing apps like LimeWire, etc. And I don't know of anyone who would go out their way to create one specifically bred to infect mmo or p2p gamers.

What your saying can be done by simply connecting to anything and anyone online. If your saying that an online MMO's client has the possibility of sending virus infected packets to everyone... how is an infected dedicated server or web server any different?

If I think in that mentality, there goes 90% of my internet pass time. I must not ever torrent again as well. :( :lol:
--> My YouTube - PSO Texture Edits * PSO Character : Siku (HUmar, Skyly) Lvl 116 *