new kidspad update

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Dead House
Posts: 376
Location: North Carolina

Re: new kidspad update

Post by Hiryosuke »

They're probably retooling for wiiu...its a confirmed title for the machine and also probably waiting for its launch...lovely...


Re: new kidspad update

Post by MrSega »

Hiryosuke wrote:They're probably retooling for wiiu...its a confirmed title for the machine and also probably waiting for its launch...lovely...
I seriously doubt it. Like I said, its been in development since 2008 & has missed 3 years worth of releases. If this were really the case, the PS3,360 version would be released on time with a Wii U/University souped up port following several months later.

The fiscal seems too damn risky. Plus the game being released in time for the machine when it will also be shipping for PS3/360 would defeat the whole purpose of buying the console just to play the game.

Personally, I feel the only way Aliens Colonial Marines will ever see light of day is as a big budget multiplayer downloadable title.

We have until April to find out.

Dead House
Posts: 376
Location: North Carolina

Re: new kidspad update

Post by Hiryosuke » seems like to much time money and advertising went into this for them to just drop it...perhaps they really r doing their best to make sure its a good game...sega is trying to regain the public's trust so anything with their na,e on it needs to be up to a certain standard for them to do that...


Re: new kidspad update

Post by MrSega »

Hiryosuke seems like to much time money and advertising went into this for them to just drop it...perhaps they really r doing their best to make sure its a good game...sega is trying to regain the public's trust so anything with their na,e on it needs to be up to a certain standard for them to do that...
Gearbox not SEGA is handling its development. And has already exceeded the normal timeframe that such overbudgeted SEGA projects take in development almost 3.

The more delays I see, the more likely it'll share the same fate as Sonic Xtreme.

We shall know in April what happened.

Dead House
Posts: 376
Location: North Carolina

Re: new kidspad update

Post by Hiryosuke »

I know sega isn't the developer but the general public see's sega on the box and holds them just as responsible and in fact in most cases pegs any games with sega's name on it that does poorly as sega's fault...if they want to improve their public image ANY game with sega on it ANYWHERE has to be 1.) Of a higher quality and 2.) (and most importantly) fun and or least be worth playing anyway...


Re: new kidspad update

Post by MrSega »

Hiryosuke wrote:I know sega isn't the developer but the general public see's sega on the box and holds them just as responsible and in fact in most cases pegs any games with sega's name on it that does poorly as sega's fault...if they want to improve their public image ANY game with sega on it ANYWHERE has to be 1.) Of a higher quality and 2.) (and most importantly) fun and or least be worth playing anyway...
Personally I just don't see SEGA bothering to take so many risks with this title like one would assume that this latest delay is related to that.

SEGA never delays a title this much & never bothers to develop a large budget title no longer than 3 years. Shenmue was developed for 2 & half, Sonic Adventure was completed in 14 months & Sonic Adventure 2 was completed in 18.

Let's wait & see what happens in April.

Feet of Fury
Posts: 578

Re: new kidspad update

Post by stu »

Hiryosuke wrote:They're probably retooling for wiiu...its a confirmed title for the machine and also probably waiting for its launch...lovely...

I think that this is far more likely to be the reason for the delay. I've read a few reports in the gaming news that Nintendo has been making changes to the Wii U's spec and these changes maybe hampering the development process.

Sega may of also decided to launch the game across all the formats at the same time, rather than having a fragmented launch where they bring out the PS3/Xbox360 versions first then launch the Wii U version, this would make sense since Sega has gone on record as saying that they don't want to appear to be porting Xbox360/PS3 games over to the Wii U.

I certainly can't see Sega "retooling" this game as a download only title, I find that highly unlikely since the game would require a HUGE download, this also would not work for the Wii U since it does not have a hard drive to save the game on to.

Dead House
Posts: 376
Location: North Carolina

Re: new kidspad update

Post by Hiryosuke »

Well from the trailers they keep releasing I'd say the game is still on the the its getting positive buzz...even from game informer and we all know how they treat anything...well...not microsoft tbh...imo they're the most biased gaming press in the bizz...even the console specific sites give dues to other deserving exclusives by wishing for ports or multiplat development...


Re: new kidspad update

Post by MrSega »

Hiryosuke wrote:Well from the trailers they keep releasing I'd say the game is still on the the its getting positive buzz...even from game informer and we all know how they treat anything...well...not microsoft tbh...imo they're the most biased gaming press in the bizz...even the console specific sites give dues to other deserving exclusives by wishing for ports or multiplat development...
I don't think that's enough. We all know now in days, SEGA published titles barely break even and never really earn the return money back.

Releasing this game in digital form sounds like a much better, much wiser investment then letting Gearbox talk them into wasting $90 million on a shooter that will fare poorly against crap like Call of Duty.

Feet of Fury
Posts: 578

Re: new kidspad update

Post by stu »

MrSega wrote:
I don't think that's enough. We all know now in days, SEGA published titles barely break even and never really earn the return money back.
For someone calling himself "MrSega", I would hardly regard those comments as pro-Sega. I also would think Sega would vehemently disagree with you, look at how successful Sega was with Sonic Generations, it goes to show that if Sega focuses on building quality games, people will buy them.
MrSega wrote: Releasing this game in digital form sounds like a much better, much wiser investment then letting Gearbox talk them into wasting $90 million on a shooter that will fare poorly against crap like Call of Duty.

They only version of this game that I think could go digital only is the PC version since they could release it through Steam, rather than on DVD. Considering that Sega has already done that with Sonic Generations, that is most likely going to happen, as a way of protecting against game piracy.

As for the other versions of the game, they are allscheduled to be boxed games on DVD, BluRay and whatever disc format the Wii U uses. Also as I previously pointed out, the Wii U lacks a hard drive, therefore its going to be impossible for a game as large as Aliens: Colonial Marines to be distributed to the Wii U via a digital download.

As for your last comment, you seem to underestimate Sega's ability to sell games, Sonic Generations was on sale last November and was up against a lot of high profile games including "crap like Call of Duty", Call of Duty: Black Ops came out about the same time and Sega were still able to rack up some quite respectable sales across the 4 formats it was available on.

Gamers have been demanding a decent Aliens game for YEARS and if Sega and GearBox can deliver that, then they could have a huge hit on their hands, right at the peak game buying season before Christmas too! :)

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